Am I Unpatriotic If I Root For America To Fail?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
just wondering now that Trump is in office. Would it be considered unpatriotic of me if I wanted to see America now become a Banana Republic if I wanted to see us collapse from within. Maybe a little Armageddon to go with my morning coffee?

You can answer this question to yourself or contribute to this thread. If you opt to contribute to this thread be careful how you answer. I think most of you may already know where I'm going with this.

America is on Fire but - We Don't Need No Water Let The Mother Fucker Burn!!! Burn Mother Fucker BURN!!!!
Oralist's Avatar
just wondering now that Trump is in office. Would it be considered unpatriotic of me if I wanted to see America now become a Banana Republic if I wanted to see us collapse from within. Maybe a little Armageddon to go with my morning coffee?

You can answer this question to yourself or contribute to this thread. If you opt to contribute to this thread be careful how you answer. I think most of you may already know where I'm going with this.

America is on Fire but - We Don't Need No Water Let The Mother Fucker Burn!!! Burn Mother Fucker BURN!!!! Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The answer is Yes. Both Obama and Hillary said to get behind our President Elect. Divisiveness helps no one.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So you wanted America to continue on the path it is on or was on prior to the election.
I recall when a radio personality stated that he hoped Obama, not America, would fail.
Do you thinck it is time to clean your rose colored glasses?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So you wanted America to continue on the path it is on or was on prior to the election.
I recall when a radio personality stated that he hoped Obama, not America, would fail.
Do you thinck it is time to clean your rose colored glasses? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I'm bout to meet a friend for lunch but make no mistake I'm not done with your ass by a country mile. The content of your response is exactly what I anticipated so thanks; we can name drop later.

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Lieber Februar, zu dem ich gezählt habe, an welchem ​​Tag es ist....
[Dear February to which I have lost count as to what day it is....]
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nice, I have not had a really good rim job in a long time but I thinck I will pass in your offer to rim mine.
Have a nice lunch.

Did you hear that Trump is forcing a black family from their home?
It's not unpatriotic,......

......if you're in CANADA
Yes it's unpatriotic. Go to another country that is in shambles and try life out there.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why do the racist liberals always threaten to go to the great WHITE north instead of Mexico?
Wakeup's Avatar
You know, there's a forum for this type of dumb shit...if one or more of you fucking idiots made bets that got you kicked out of that forum, don't start thinking that this is the place to bring your moronic crap...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You know, there's a forum for this type of dumb shit...if one or more of you fucking idiots made bets that got you kicked out of that forum, don't start thinking that this is the place to bring your moronic crap... Originally Posted by Wakeup

1st - I've made no bets with anyone and geez with friends like you who needs enemies ;-)

2nd -Thanks for the "in" or opportunity to address you. I've noticed your proclivity towards commenting indirectly in my threads (a known beta lite trait) seems to be reaching a crescendo

3rd - You come across verbally as an anal retentive version of Neil Patrick Harris (who by the way is a homosexual). I will admit I find you calling anyone a fucking idiot pretty laughable considering the context of your updated sig. (Pot meet Kettle?) which shows you bitch and moan more than anyone on this site.

PS: ^ I worded my feedback that way because unlike GS you don't come across as a knuckle dragger who thrives off base level red meat. Instead it takes a bit of a different flavor to reach your psyche; military or not I've across many like you in my Corporate world adventures. ;-)

Some of the tricks may be impressed by your facade and some of the escorts may fear your perceived clout but I'm neither. If you want to chop it up we can. Holla at your boi.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So you wanted America to continue on the path it is on or was on prior to the election.
I recall when a radio personality stated that he hoped Obama, not America, would fail.
Do you thinck it is time to clean your rose colored glasses? Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Where do I start? All of your right wing hero's Sean Hannity or KLannity as I like to call him, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage (undercover homosexual), and that local resident conservative radio idiot Michael Berry have all wished that America fail during the last 8 yrs. Wishing Obama fail is a fancy way of wishing America fail. No way around it. You guys (conservative media) said it was Absolutely patriotic to hope and wish for Obama (hence America) to fail so I thought that turnabout was fair play. No?

Here's a doozy I saved for last. This is your president elect. What a guy right? What a fucking American (patriot) champ! ;-)

Two years before the housing market collapsed in 2008 and millions of Americans lost their homes, Donald Trump said he was hoping for a crash.

"I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University, answering a question about "gloomy predictions that the real estate market is heading for a spectacular crash."

"If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you can make a lot of money," Trump said in the 2006 audio book, "How to Build a Fortune." "If you're in a good cash position -- which I'm in a good cash position today -- then people like me would go in and buy like crazy."
rose colored glasses now off.
Wakeup's Avatar needed an "in" from me to address me???


No wonder...makes perfect sense now...thanks.