Watchout SAPD handing out tickets for blocking the intersection

pickupkid's Avatar
John4229's Avatar
This ... is actually rather a good thing.

It's a discourteous and potentially dangerous behavior that I've seen far too much of in this town, and leveraging LEO to write drivers reminder notes with a fine to help them remember could help.

And probably just as well to remind those of us who'd prefer to be discreet (and uninterrupted) in our peregrinations to mind the rules of the road on the way to and from an appointment.
Just another loss of one of our liberties.

Would you like your 6-6-6 on your hand or is your forehead fine?
Gspot 8908's Avatar
It's an extremely inconsiderate driving behavior to begin with, plus It's always been a ticketable offense. Now the police will just go a bit out of their way to give a citation. Anyone who lives up 281 N will know this behavior. If you have ever tried to use a turn around during traffic hours, there are countless people who disregard the flow of traffic and street lights, and block the intersections bc they just have to make it through the next light, at all costs. Now the cost is a ticket
oldtiger's Avatar
FootLong's Avatar
Man, I hate when the light turns green but I can't go because assholes are blocking the intersection.
Hopefully they start ticketing people holding up the passing lane too while their at it
I have driven in a lot of places all over the world and San Antonio, by far, has the shittiest drivers.
It's about time that DON'T BLOCK THE BOX got the attention it deserved
soitgoes455's Avatar
+1 I've lived all over the state - worst by far! Had a driving instructor teach my stepdaughter how to tailgate!!!