So I once heard...

that hobbyist's will either be caught and arrested or found out by their SO. I would ask is there anyone that has managed to play for free?
MrThom's Avatar
The answer to all four is... It happens.
I've been told to stay away from BP. Probably good advice?
rryanhart's Avatar
Karrie Brennan's Avatar
I would ask is there anyone that has managed to play for free? Originally Posted by MrFrankPicard

What's the difference between a whore and a slut?
Whores get paid.

You want free? Find a skank at a bar.
I've been doing it for 15 yrs and never even came close
One SO

One provider that I only see

No problems
jframe2's Avatar
In this world 8+ years, never even had a close call.
Mastering your Personal Security and Communications Technology is the key in my opinion.

At All Times, Be smart and be aware!

that hobbyist's will either be caught and arrested or found out by their SO. I would ask is there anyone that has managed to play for free? Originally Posted by MrFrankPicard