Why history is important…….

bambino's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Democrats are pro CRT but will do anything to prevent teaching actual history.

BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino

Caught lying again.
Flapping your disease ridden gums.
From The Washington Post

Dated Mar. 15 2018

"How social media spread a historical lie
A mix of journalistic mistakes and partisan hackery advanced a pernicious lie about Democrats and the Klan.

Ku Klux Klan members march on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 13, 1926. (Library of Congress)
By Jennifer Mendelsohn and Peter A. Shulman
March 15, 2018
Earlier this month, a hashtag made its way across Twitter: “#triggeraliberalin4words.”

Kambree Kawahine Koa, whose bio identifies her as a “political news contributor,” scored big with her offering, which garnered almost 10,000 likes and close to 1,000 replies. “The Democrats created KKK,” she tweeted over a photo of a Klan march captioned: “This photo was taken at the 1924 Democratic Convention. It was known as the ‘Klanbake’ (just in case you want to Google it).”

The only problem? There was no Klan march at the 1924 Democratic convention — the photo was actually taken in Wisconsin — nor was the convention ever actually known as the “Klanbake.”"

The Dems opposed klan actions. The Repubs embraced the klan actions. As you can see below.
If all you are going to do is post bullshit, maybe you should STFU.

"The Ku Klux Klan had surged in popularity after World War I, due to its leadership's connections to passage of the successful Prohibition Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[3] This made the Klan a political power throughout many regions of the United States, and it reached the apex of its power in the mid-1920s, when it exerted deep cultural and political influence on both Republicans and Democrats. Its supporters had successfully quashed an anti-Klan resolution before it ever went to a floor vote at the 1924 Republican National Convention earlier in June, and proponents expected to exert the same influence at the Democratic convention. Instead, tension between pro- and anti-Klan delegates produced
an intense and sometimes violent showdown between convention attendees
from the states of Colorado and Missouri.[4][5] Klan delegates opposed the nomination of New York Governor Al Smith because Smith was a Roman Catholic and an opponent of Prohibition, and most supported William Gibbs McAdoo. Non-Klan delegates, led by Sen. Oscar Underwood of Alabama, attempted to add condemnation of the organization for its violence to the Democratic Party's platform. The measure was narrowly defeated, and the anti-KKK plank was not included in the platform.


dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Lots of words Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Instead of a wall of text, next time stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, sit in the corner and keep repeating “DEMOCRATS WEREN’T THE KLAN, DEMOCRATS DIDN’T OPPOSE CIVIL RIGHTS, DEMOCRATS DIDN’T HAVE A GRAND KLEAGLE IN THE SENATE” over and over until it becomes your new reality.

It won’t convince anyone who actually knows history, but it might make you feel better.
bambino's Avatar
Instead of a wall of text, next time stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, sit in the corner and keep repeating “DEMOCRATS WEREN’T THE KLAN, DEMOCRATS DIDN’T OPPOSE CIVIL RIGHTS, DEMOCRATS DIDN’T HAVE A GRAND KLEAGLE IN THE SENATE” over and over until it becomes your new reality.

It won’t convince anyone who actually knows history, but it might make you feel better. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
He keeps on spewing what he is doing.
Instead of a wall of text, next time stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, sit in the corner and keep repeating “DEMOCRATS WEREN’T THE KLAN, DEMOCRATS DIDN’T OPPOSE CIVIL RIGHTS, DEMOCRATS DIDN’T HAVE A GRAND KLEAGLE IN THE SENATE” over and over until it becomes your new reality.

It won’t convince anyone who actually knows history, but it might make you feel better. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
But you can't show links that back you up.

Your version of history (the big lie, the vaccine doesn't work, insurrection didn't happen) is the oral repub (carlson, hannity, etc.) opinion.
Not fact.

If you could read, you would see I addressed a specific issue.
And by nature, you're a goddamn liar.
I didn't address any of your all caps rant. The same ones you always bring up. While ignoring the issue in the post that was commented on.

The OP was an out and out lie. You couldn't argue that point so you screamed and stomped you foot.

Stop trying to hijack the thread
He keeps on spewing what he is doing. Originally Posted by bambino
Of course you would say that.

The OP is your lie.

If you could defend it, you would.

You're on the record as a liar (again).
I pointed out you are a liar (again).

I posted a link backing me up. You went to a screaming Trumpy.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He doesn’t have to, you did it for him by verifying that the anti-klan platform was quashed at the DNC.
bambino's Avatar
He doesn’t have to, you did it for him by verifying that the anti-klan platform was quashed at the DNC. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
VitaMan's Avatar
McCarthyism was great too. Senator Joe was from Wisconsin
texassapper's Avatar
McCarthyism was great too. Senator Joe was from Wisconsin Originally Posted by VitaMan
And he was actually right about all those Commies in the State Dept.
  • oeb11
  • 08-01-2021, 05:33 PM
McCarthyism was great too. Senator Joe was from Wisconsin Originally Posted by VitaMan

A vote from enemies of teh Constitution, representative democracy, and Equality for all under the law

In favor of Communist totalitariianism
Maoist DPSTs do love their dictators!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
A vote from enemies of teh Constitution, representative democracy, and Equality for all under the law

In favor of Communist totalitariianism
Maoist DPSTs do love their dictators! Originally Posted by oeb11
And he was actually right about all those Commies in the State Dept. Originally Posted by texassapper
Looks like OEB and TXSapper are supporters of Joe McCarthy.