MAC Address in Weblogs & Banning

DFW Airwold's Avatar
I was reading some threads here & other places about trying to BAN people that kept coming back with new handles & such. Someone suggested banning by IP address like a Blacklist. However I didnt think that would work because of IP's changing from DHCP & such. Also using Public WiFi hotspots.

I then thought that most people only have 1 or 2 computers in their home & use. So is there a way to see what MAC Address is on your computer when you login here & then BLOCK it if you are banned. I am not detail technical savy on Apache & webservers so any ideas, thoughts etc would be appreciated.
A good question DFW Airwold. Unfortunately, we do not get MAC addresses stored in the software we have for tracking. We can look to see if there is any other way to achieve that goal.

Nice out of the box thinking!