why do providers fib on their weight in the ads

So you read the ad and it says like 5'3 115 and they open the door and they are like 5'0 and 140. The great thing about ECCIE is the their are all kinds of hobbyists on here that like small, medium, and large women. So, I don't understand why the put something different than they really are. Sometimes I want to take a scale to the appt and tell the provider for every pound that you are over what you said you were is a $1 off my donation. if you weigh what you say you do I will pay you an additional $20.
*Lmao* This is classic funny! I cant speak for all the ladies but as for me there's no need to fib about my lil tight spinner self! 105 5'4 tight and right in all the holes.
zofco's Avatar
  • zofco
  • 06-05-2012, 04:13 PM
I am in total agreement, I want what is advertised. And great point, there are men on ECCIE who like all sizes of women. If you have great service, they will come.
<----- If "Fat girls" can boldly post their weight.. and have no issues..I can not understand why a "skinny" girl can not do the same?
<----- If "Fat girls" can boldly post their weight.. and have no issues..I can not understand why a "skinny" girl can not do the same? Originally Posted by NIKKILOVE
Yea I really hate when a provider tells me she weighs 150 lbs and I show up and she only weighs 115 lbs. Damn false advertising!!
Yea I really hate when a provider tells me she weighs 150 lbs and I show up and she only weighs 115 lbs. Damn false advertising!! Originally Posted by Sweet Discretion

LOL, Yeah, I bet that sucks...
CaptainJones's Avatar
Women will always lie about their weight, not just in hobby land. That's why you're never supposed to ask a woman's weight or age...because they'll lie anyway.

I hardly pay attention to the numbers anyway...I judge by the pics and if I like what I see then I'll book. IF the pics are old and outdated and a false representation, I'll walk away
Women will always lie about their weight, not just in hobby land. Originally Posted by CaptainJones

Not ALWAYS, My REAL age and REAL weight is on my showcase, ads, etc..

But you are right, the majority of the time.. especially in the hobby world, they tend to not show the real info.. I'm not sure why... Which brings me to another subject... Names.. LOL, I think i'll start a thread on the topic..
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Sigh, do you really need an explanation?
They do it to attract clients. A good chance once the john shows up he'll stay anyway(cuz he's horny) even if they are 15-25lbs. Heavier.
Kammyee, all holes?
I normally don't go by weight. Muscle weighs more and I don't care to know my weight. I go by how my clothes fit me and how my body looks. I never even use my scale. I don't know why anyone would want to lie about their height though. That's a little ridiculous. If you're short then you're short. If you're tall then you're tall. Be yourself and don't lie because you will just be hurting yourself.
So, I am guessing that men and ladies alike feel that being "big" means you do not make less money in this hobby? LOL, sucks to have that attitude...glad I don't have that complex. Also glad that I do not hide who or what I am to please people who would rather just "settle" when they meet me rather than know what they are getting and will be happy about what they chose.

Good thing $$ is not all that matters to some.. provider or hobbyist.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
You know, every now and then I get that bloated feeling and I know I cannot make weight. I would like to say I am a duece and a quarter but hey I will admit I am closer to two twenty six.
Wakeup's Avatar
They lie about it for the same reason you don't see commercials with fat people in them...