The Koch Brothers Turn On Chris Christie and Warn Him About Setting Up Obamacare

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Couple of angry scumbags who think their money can make people do what they want. Well they gonna learn the hard way.

The Koch Brothers think-tank, Americans for Prosperity, handed down a warning to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for not rejecting provisions in the ACA to submit health insurance exchange plans ahead of the health law’s full implementation. Republicans were already furious with Christie for praising President Obama’s rapid response to the super-storm Sandy that ravaged parts of the East Coast last week, and now the Koch Brothers are pressuring him to reject a New Jersey exchange bill to rebuff the ACA’s requirement before a November 16 cutoff date for states to set up health insurance exchanges. If states fail to set up the exchanges, the federal government does it for them and the provision gave individual states leeway to set up a healthcare marketplace according to their resident’s needs.

The New Jersey chapter of Americans for Prosperity sent out a press release Thursday questioning Governor Christie’s obedience to the Koch Brothers and encouraged him to accept the “burden on the states to thwart” the ACA because after Republicans lost the election, “Congress will not be able to repeal the law.” The press release cited “other conservative governors across the country like Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, and others have already taken a principled stand,” and questioned whether Christie “will prevent New Jerseyans from having their health care choices controlled by federal bureaucrats? Or will he continue to go along to get along with Barack Obama?” Now, the issue is not whether Christie is going along with the President, but rather, will he be vindictive and take away the state’s right to set up their own exchanges or leave it to the federal government. Either way, the health law will be implemented.
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  • CJ7
  • 11-12-2012, 02:59 PM
surprised the Koch crew isnt sewing up the gaping wound in their bank account after funding a loser like willard