HR at your company is giving a tour to a new hire candidate and she's a former escort you used to see..

What do you do?
Happy Hour's Avatar
What do you do? Originally Posted by wreckshop
Act like you never knew her, turn a blind eye. Likely not the same girl (same life position) as when saw one another, give gal a chance to go a different direction............if she hasn't "retired", happy hours on Friday might have an all new convenient meaning.
Act like you never knew her, turn a blind eye. Likely not the same girl (same life position) as when saw one another, give gal a chance to go a different direction............if she hasn't "retired", happy hours on Friday might have an all new convenient meaning. Originally Posted by A Cop
Perfect answer!!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Happened where I worked but I got her the job.

Let it go.
If you see her, smile and say hello.
you act like an Adult and say nothing,, we ALL have a past.. some good, some great and some not everyone would agree with...
Cpalmson's Avatar
You play it straight. Don't let on you know her. She probably has forgotten you. Don't hit on her or anything untoward. You would be putting your job and her job in jeopardy. Companies don't want a sexual harassment complaint and they may have a no fraternizing policy.
"She probably has forgotten you." This is a key point. I agree with the advice being given here.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
What do you do? Originally Posted by wreckshop
Accept that we're all a bunch of whores and welcome her to the new digs.
She's a candidate not an actual hire.

Re-think this.
Wakeup's Avatar
You laugh at the guy who is making shit up on a SHMB...
atlcomedy's Avatar
She's a candidate not an actual hire.

Re-think this. Originally Posted by wreckshop
Yeah, real talk, (& for me this is a pure hypothetical since I've been out of the corporate rat race/Fortune 500 grind for years), but if she's a candidate not a new hire I see if there's a way to have her not get the job. Not admirable but that's real talk. Don't shit where you eat.

If she's a new hire I act like I don't recognize her and hope for the best.

Obviously if you clearly recognize each other you move to plan b.

The OP said you had seen her but a more likely scenario is you never saw her but she looks a hell of a lot like/you'd swear she was a hooker you saw advertising on some website. I wouldn't be as concerned about killing her candidacy but I'd dock her some points for lacking discretion.

As an aside when I was back in corporate America I took sexual harassment very seriously both for myself and the employees that worked for me. I didn't put myself in situations where lines could be crossed. I avoided physical contact like hugs (which I freely give to all kinds of business partners now that I'm not part of a big company). I was careful about socializing privately with female employees. If I guy asked be to go for a beer after work no problem. A female or group or females, I declined unless it was a large group. In a way it was unfair to the females (they didn't get the same opportunity for relationship building etc. their male colleagues did) but our society is so damn litigious that is on of the unintended consequences. While I was never the alleged perp, I've wasted a bunch of time dealing with complaints about subordinates.

I don't miss corporate America at all.
memdal's Avatar
I actually learned once in conversation on an appointment that a girl was finishing up a degree in the field in which I work. Thinking nothing of it (actually thought it was just a line – “just doing this to pay for college”), I said there are lots of good firms around here that she should apply to when she graduates. She said who, and I listed about a half dozen to keep the conversation going, including the one where I worked. About six months later, there she is going into a conference room for her interview and I am walking by. I certainly recognized her and by her expression, I am sure she recognized me. She obviously didn’t get the job, or didn’t want the job, but I never saw her again. I also noticed that her escort profiles were closed, so perhaps she was working her way through college.
ICU 812's Avatar
As ego-busting as this may be: I would hope that she didn't even remember me.
TinMan's Avatar
She's a candidate not an actual hire.

Re-think this. Originally Posted by wreckshop
I've often played this "what if" game in my mind. It's not happened in my workplace, but it very easily could.

I'd be worried that if she works in my area, and if there are any performance problems, she may use her knowledge as leverage. I make that very general statement not knowing anything about the woman. A lot of women I've seen here are mature adults that likely wouldn't create a problem, but a lot aren't. You've got to assess that risk for yourself.

So, assume for a moment that your fear in this regard is real. What do you do about it? What excuse do you make for not hiring her, assuming her resume stands up?

The fact of the matter is, you may not have to worry about those things if your company performs standard background checks and drug testing. That will eliminate a lot of the less stable personalities that are in this hobby.

But if she aces all that, and the company wants to hire her, your best bet may be to lay low and let things play out. Try to avoid putting yourself into a position of influence over her, to minimize the risk of getting involved in an HR nightmare down the road should she not prove to be a good employee.

And pray that she really has turned her life around. That would be the best of all possible outcomes.
awl4knot's Avatar
And how, pray tell, does a lecherous but corporate toady, derail a young female applicant's application without revealing the source of their knowledge, or does corporate America allow vague innuendo to influence its hiring decisions. And would you do the same sub rosa hatchet job on a male applicant who you knew was notorious horndog? And how about throwing yourself on the HR sword since your illegal mongering might embarass the company? Maybe to be fair the company should post a "No Monger Need Apply"' sign like they did for the Irish?