Military time. BEFORE the sun comes up

The early bird gets the worm. So they say. UP with the chickens? Or is it the roosters that are (UP),!?

Several reasons to hobby early in the A.M.
For one if you say your staying late after work you will probably get an eye brows raised by your S.O.
However going in a little early probably won't cause as much fuss.

For 2 starting your day off with a bang helps in productivity in the work place.
If your in a military town your business will increase if you offer earlier spots.
These type clients prefer women who get up early to work not stay up all night and the 5 a.m. time slot is the ending of the day and not the BEGINING of the day. (FOR THE MOST PART)

I'm sure you have your own reasons for early morning trips these are just a few.
James1588's Avatar
Hi! I'm up early today. Dentist is grinding away at my teeth at 7 am.

Going to see you would be a LOT more fun! Oh, well ... it is what it is.
I agree with early dates.
Jr. is much more productive in the morning.
I work ling hours, so Jr. slouches in late evenings, and I go to bed with the chickens.
Not many girls see men before 0900. Very few offer services before noon.
#3, easier to run an errand at work and nobody misses you
Not many girls see men before 0900. Very few offer services before noon. Originally Posted by Warptcuck
I agree. Even gals who's ads say 'contact 24 hrs a day, rarely pick up between say 10am and 3pm.