Ip tracking

Do you keep logs of when and where people log in from? I don't really want the logs to show my home ip address if you know what I mean. I lurk here all the time but after the big e.com deal I am hesitant to log on from my home for concerns of ip addresses being retained by the site.
Nope I don't
Nope I don't Originally Posted by FireSerpent
But does ECCIE's software retain a record, or have the ability to retain the where and when of the last, or last few log ins of people. I think that would be a fairer question to ask.
Omahan's Avatar
I think ECCIE Admin can match IP addresses from posts made. They do this at times to try to see if someone has multiple accounts which is prohibited. So unless things have changed there is some kind of IP record. To get a difinitive answer you might want to PM StChristopher who is an owner.
ss4699's Avatar
But does ECCIE's software retain a record, or have the ability to retain the where and when of the last, or last few log ins of people. I think that would be a fairer question to ask. Originally Posted by LongStick
Cannot speak for ECCIE but in general, most php sites can "track" you. Moderaters and admins can generally do IP checks for a number of reasons.
If you use the autolog in or the VIEW NEW POSTS shows up on a thread you have already posted on, it is a note that you are being tracked.

Individual users can set there security level high enough to prevent this, but many sites in return will not allow them access to the site because of security concerns.

Could the information be misused? Is it "required" here? You might start a thread on this question at the national level or check the tech section to see if it is discussed. More than likely is is required, could it be misused if it is available? Well based on the names of the supermods, it would supprise me if it was done based on previous experiences. But that is just a personal opinion.

Bythe way this is a good question. Security is important but that goes both ways. The site needs to be secure and the individuals here need to be secure as well. So it is a question of balance, responsibilty and confidenciality.
ECCIE uses vBulletin, which supports IP logging and tracing (generally it requires admin privileges or higher to access the function). However, ECCIE does allow members to use online services which utilize a proxy to surf anonymously online, hide your IP address, secure your Internet connection, hide your Internet history, and protect your identity during log-in.

There are many such free services available, a favorite may be found at http://www.hidemyass.com.

Also popular is http://anonymouse.org.

Both are free, fast and user friendly.

Good luck!


- Jackie
jframe2's Avatar
TOR is another good one.


But be advised, nothing is absolutely secure out our level of public availablity. It is just a matter of degree of security. And plausible deniability if you are ever asked about anything you have done on the web.

And be aware that your local Internet Provider is required to track/log the IP's of all its customers. Way to go Congress!!
Happy Holidays!
ss4699's Avatar
.... And be aware that your local Internet Provider is required to track/log the IP's of all its customers. Way to go Congress!! Originally Posted by jframe2
Even if you are using a different location or computer - things are trackable. Using a computer at a library or a wifi location can help some but my many locations use site ratings and could block coming to a site like this if it has the proper assignment. I was traveling through KC once a few years ago and tried using the free wifi to pick up a message at ASPD and the wifi blocked access! BANG - fortunely I had an email from the lady! Attempts like that are logable and the system can hold a notification which could be tracked. BUT it takes tons of resources to do this. It is a different story at work however. If you have work access to the internet, be careful, very careful. Jf2 or Jackie may be able to tell us if inhouse computers will allow the services they mentioned to be used in that situation. I do know that many companies do blocking to just keep usage levels down!
ss4699 (newtotown) - I can't believe I am actually answering your ass, but TOR can be configured at get around ANY firewall or other protection that exists (even the so-called 'Great Wall of China' Internet protections / prohibitions the Chinese government has in place) . . . The CIA and our own State Department employ personnel to teach dissidents in China and other countries how to use TOR to surf without restriction, completely anonymously. Try Google, it is your friend, especially when you obviously don't know dick about the subject. Did you even bother to follow the link to TOR jframe2 posted and actually read the fucking info????
  • mike2
  • 12-21-2011, 09:49 AM
ss4699 (newtotown) - I can't believe I am actually answering your ass, but TOR can be configured at get around ANY firewall or other protection that exists (even the so-called 'Great Wall of China' Internet protections / prohibitions the Chinese government has in place) . . . The CIA and our own State Department employ personnel to teach dissidents in China and other countries how to use TOR to surf without restriction, completely anonymously. Try Google, it is your friend, especially when you obviously don't know dick about the subject. Did you even bother to follow the link to TOR jframe2 posted and actually read the fucking info???? Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin

Wow Jackie you make me want you more when you are angry!
6ULDV8's Avatar
ss4699 (newtotown) - I can't believe I am actually answering your ass, ???? Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
wow, ur hot. Yes, while u have just a "peak hole" (shit what is it called when they drill a hole in the bathroom) view. Way too complicated to explain in this forum...but anywhay. yah, your hot.
6ULDV8's Avatar
ss4699 (newtotown) Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Jackie, where did you get ss4699 from? He's not new. PM me if you want.
Yes, 6ULDV8, ss4699 is the old handle of newtotown . . . You can take this to PM if you like, but 'them's the facts'.


- Jackie
dumars's Avatar
Conspiratorial paranoia reins in this thread.

Is anybody here important enough to be noticed by CIA/FBI/NSA? Take a pill.
On the IP tracking aspect. It depends on which ISP you use. With my serivce provider every time I reboot my computer I have a different IP address. Just Google "whats my IP" and you'll see it. reboot your computer and do the exact same "whats my ip" and see if its different.