
Ok, so I want to know what everyone thinks about clients asking about other clients to providers or talking about other providers to providers (what they do, don't do) etc.... And providers talking about other providers and clients to clients.
Me personally, I do not find it appropriate to talk about anything that goes on between me and a client to another client! And as for talking about other providers to anyone is Taboo, unless I am referring someone to them because they do things that I don't or am uncomfortable doing. Even if you keep the other persons name out of the conversation its Taboo, after all, all someone has to do is read the reviews to figure out who you are talking about.
Tell me your thoughts.
Although I find what you have described to be terribly indiscreet and I do my absolute best not to participate in such discussion(s), what you have detailed is truly part and parcel to the endeavor - not only that, it is actually (by certain people) occasionally expected ("So, I paid and we're done, now tell me what you know about _____." - or - "I'll be happy to be a regular, but you need to tell me about _______ to keep me coming back." - - - and by the way, I don't play that game). I tend not to attract that type of client, but some ladies do. And, the smaller the market (area, population) you work consistently, the worse the problem is, IME.

It always has been that way; it always will be that way. Just do as many of us, and try your best to stay above it (which it sounds like you are doing). A reminder, however, many people tend to tell a lot of (very tall) tales in this business, many times very purposefully. If you don't hear it with your own ears, take it with a grain of salt. Hell, take everything in this business with a few (huge) grains of salt! LOL


- Jackie
It always has been that way; it always will be that way. Just do as many of us, and try your best to stay above it (which it sounds like you are doing). A reminder, however, many people tend to tell a lot of (very tall) tales in this business, many times very purposefully. If you don't hear it with your own ears, take it with a grain of salt. Hell, take everything in this business with a few (huge) grains of salt! LOL


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin


If you don't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears......
Osolomio's Avatar

Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?
Also, by the time the story of a provider or hobbist, gets told the 3rd or 4th time remove....

It goes from...He/she was the 4th version "He/she just wanted to drive a wooden stick thru his/her's heart"
Although I find what you have described to be terribly indiscreet and I do my absolute best not to participate in such discussion(s), what you have detailed is truly part and parcel to the endeavor - not only that, it is actually (by certain people) occasionally expected ("So, I paid and we're done, now tell me what you know about _____." - or - "I'll be happy to be a regular, but you need to tell me about _______ to keep me coming back." - - - and by the way, I don't play that game). I tend not to attract that type of client, but some ladies do. And, the smaller the market (area, population) you work consistently, the worse the problem is, IME.

It always has been that way; it always will be that way. Just do as many of us, and try your best to stay above it (which it sounds like you are doing). A reminder, however, many people tend to tell a lot of (very tall) tales in this business, many times very purposefully. If you don't hear it with your own ears, take it with a grain of salt. Hell, take everything in this business with a few (huge) grains of salt! LOL


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin

I just try and change the subject very quickly.

Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes? Originally Posted by Osolomio

My lying eyes!
Osolomio's Avatar
Have never talked about a provider, or client with anyone I have seen. Given a provider names as references, don't know what they do with those names. I agree with Jackie is indiscreet, I do not have the time to participate in that kind of thing. Have enough drama in my personal life, that's one of many reasons I partake in this hobby to get away from that drama to relax.
Bigh1955's Avatar
LoL - sometimes it's all just part of the therapy. (If you get that, I'm sorry, we've probably met.)

I'm sure you gals discuss clients in the privacy of your "powder room."

I don't see how this is terribly different so long as personal identities and safety aren't compromised
TRex1176's Avatar
Along with fees paid for services, I would like to think there is a bit of provider/client priviledge involved with anything that happens behind closed doors. I don't talk about other providers I've been with and I expect the same from providers with whom I choose to spend my time and money. That being said, refer to the acronym STFU.