Nice friend you have there, Barack.

Ayatollah Khamenei Says Muslims Have A Responsibility To Destroy America, The “Idol Of Tyranny”…

TEHRAN (Christian Examiner) – Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, with the ink barely dry on the nuclear deal between his country, the United States and its allies, has issued a “call” for Muslims to help destroy the “idol of tyranny” – America.

In a letter celebrating the annual pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca, known as the Hajj, Khamenei said the Hajj was a source of renewal for Muslims and it will help them shatter the idols in their lives – “the idol of the soul, the idol of pride, the idol of sexual lust; the idol of tyranny and subservience; the idol of global tyranny [i.e., the U.S.]’ the idol of sloth and irresponsibility; and the other idols that shame the precious human soul – a plan that will spring forth from the depths of the heart will shatter them. Then, liberty, honor, and health will replace dependence, hardship, and humiliation.”

Khamenei wrote in the letter, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), that American foreign policy, always “evil,” was causing war and bloodshed in the region. He also held the U.S. responsible for “displacement, poverty, backwardness, and religious and sectarian division.”

The letter contains a graphic of a smashed Statue of Liberty.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh no, not the religion of peace........
Didn't the ole Ayatollah say that the "Death to America" was sorta like Americans chanting "USA! USA! USA" at ralleys or events.

Of course, our Democrat Administration, which has managed to espouse a unique combination of naivet' and stupidity, probably believe him.