It's Funny to Watch: Trump Is an Albatross on the Republican Party

  • pxmcc
  • 08-22-2022, 12:21 PM
So Trump has enough pull to get his preferred Trumpkin pols to win primaries, but by and large, his picks, such as Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker, are unelectable. This quandary has me folmfao. The Senate now leans Democrat, and who knows, maybe even the House might follow suit.

And seeing Trump and McConnell trying to kill each other is the best thing ever, like waking up Christmas morn when Santa went way overboard on all that presents stuff.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
You still here crying about Trump? Must be a miserable way to have to live woth Trump living in your head all day
Imagine if Biden was doing such a kickass job Trump wasn't even on your mind! Oh yeah.....a man can only dream!
  • pxmcc
  • 08-23-2022, 04:11 AM
Imagine if Biden was doing such a kickass job Trump wasn't even on your mind! Oh yeah.....a man can only dream! Originally Posted by mynameismudd
you can't ignore trump. he's the greatest threat to democracy in america since our system was basically founded as a democratic republic in 1787.

actually biden is on a pretty nice hot run right now. time for him to brag a bit and take a victory lap.

joe manchin-senator coal-saves the planet, and kyrsten sinema-senator pharma-doesn't veto it, and supports medicare negotiating with Big Pharma. who saw that one coming..
TDS takes up way too much space in your brain. Focus on your own sphere of influence and enjoy much better results!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
TDS takes up way too much space in your brain. Focus on your own sphere of influence and enjoy much better results! Originally Posted by mynameismudd

His Trump Derangement Syndrome is stage IV and terminal.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-24-2022, 06:00 AM
^^lol sir..

if obama had attempted a coup and stole hundreds of classified nuclear secrets, we'd never hear the end of it until he was sentenced to life in prison. but trump gets a free pass? jus nawwww..
BAHAHAHA Trump lives rent free in his head all day every day, even when he is not even president lol
  • pxmcc
  • 08-25-2022, 01:11 AM
BAHAHAHA Trump lives rent free in his head all day every day, even when he is not even president lol Originally Posted by mynameismudd
rent free? nawww..

i am entertained. are you not entertained? i'm in the coliseum-front row seating, 50 yard line's equivalent-and trump has well-armed and pissed off gladiators on his left-they got cheated and lied to by trump-and a couple of hungry tigers on his right. the tigers appear to be salivating profusely at the sight of such delectable corpulence, and the slaves seem to be having trouble hanging on to their chains. i'm just here to see the show..

don't tell me you didn't get the memo. i hate it when that happens..
  • pxmcc
  • 08-26-2022, 03:07 PM
yup. he's fucked bigly..

it's about damn time.

most corrupt president in the history of the Republic, by far. nixon cant hold a candle to him.

if obama had attempted a coup and stole hundreds of classified nuclear secrets, we'd never hear the end of it until he was sentenced to life in prison... Originally Posted by pxmcc
Maybe, but Obama/Clinton/Holder got away with plenty. And Biden and Son continue to skate free, and will likely never “face their accusers.” I’m not here trying to defend Trump, but everyone should get equal scrutiny, and largely because of the liberal, biased media, it doesn’t happen.
Bahahaha thanks for the unbiased resource! Imagine if biden was doing such a great job as president that everyone forgot all about Trump. A man can dream I guess!
Its funny to watch democrats focus on Trump because biden is doing such a terrible job. At least under Trump the economy was booming!
TryWeakly's Avatar
BAHAHAHA Trump lives rent free in his head all day every day, even when he is not even president lol Originally Posted by mynameismudd
lol...... pretty fuckin sad ifn u ask me.