I thought a president can't serve 3 terms

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Then again, democrats can do anything they want to do.

A new report from the Tablet online magazine alleges that former President Barack Obama is the power behind much of what happens in President Joe Biden’s White House, controlling key decisions through an army of Obama administration alumni.

Michael8219's Avatar
Mayer Amschel Rothschild

M. Amschel Rothschild, the 1st of the world bankers, said back in the 18th century, “If you control the money you control the government. If you control the government you control the media. If you control the media you control the people”.

His descendants furthered the family fortune across Europe—the "five arrows" of banking. Eldest son Amschel Mayer took over the Frankfurt bank and Salomon moved to Vienna. Nathan turned the London branch into one of Europe's most powerful banking institutions (N. M. Rothschild & Sons), Calmann (gentrified to "Carl") set up a branch in Naples and Jacob ("James") opened de Rothschild Frères, becoming a giant of finance in Paris.

It’s supposed to be that the president’s powers are controlled by checks and balances as spelled out in the US Constitution. Not so much any more. Even Nixon was hand picked.

Conventional wisdom as to why LBJ “decided” not to run for a second term as president: “Johnson knew he was unlikely to win another presidential election; his increase of American involvement in the Vietnam War, as well as rising American casualties in Vietnam, had made him deeply unpopular.” Reality: he did his part to oust JFK and get us into the war. And was told not to run by those in charge.
NordicJag's Avatar
Oh get over it. What is your point. He is not serving as president. There is no amendment that says a former president cannot be an advisor to a sitting president. And just to mess with your mind, what if Michelle ran and got elected as president.
Cendell M's Avatar
Well who Evers running the show it’s a shit show, I can’t wait to have Trump back in office, even after he pardons himself. That’s going to be sweet as pie! Bunch fucking bullshit charges fucking democratic MF’rs
Michael8219's Avatar
Man some of ya'll are really unhinged. Being Republican/Democrat or Conservative/Liberal is one thing, but the cult-like behavior of some of you MAGA types is off putting to say the least. Its really on some Jim Jones shit.

Trump is a well known conman with several failed businesses with one being a casino, lol. This is your king?...lol Ya'll are being played. I'm not a Biden guy either and I believe both parties operate in bad faith, but one party is more extreme(I'll let you guess which one).
kerwil62's Avatar
Well who Evers running the show it’s a shit show, I can’t wait to have Trump back in office, even after he pardons himself. That’s going to be sweet as pie! Bunch fucking bullshit charges fucking democratic MF’rs Originally Posted by Cendell M

Your boy is going to jail. Too much shit is piling up on him. He’s also gonna take quite a few folks with him too.

He may be the leading republican candidate, but he ain’t winning the election.
Cendell M's Avatar

I bet he don’t spend 1 second in jail! This is BULLSHIT and everyone knows it and he will win the election. This is all a crock of Democratic shit.

It’s baffling to think that people think that this is funny in our country today!
Man some of ya'll are really unhinged. Being Republican/Democrat or Conservative/Liberal is one thing, but the cult-like behavior of some of you MAGA types is off putting to say the least. Its really on some Jim Jones shit.

Trump is a well known conman with several failed businesses with one being a casino, lol. This is your king?...lol Ya'll are being played. I'm not a Biden guy either and I believe both parties operate in bad faith, but one party is more extreme(I'll let you guess which one). Originally Posted by milfloverHTX
I won't deny Trump is a self centered egotistical, narcistic, vain megalomaniac, BUT WHILE he was in office, his policies had gas prices down to below 2 dollars a gallon, employment was booming, the economy was doing GREAT! You cannot say that is from Obama because 1) everything mention above was doing the opposite. Trace Covid and its origins, a lab in China, that received FUNDING from the Obama administration.

Was this some long term democratic plot? I will go ON record that democrats LOVE a good crisis and try to use it leverage more power and control for them.

But if we get someone who reverses all of pudding head biden's policies and get the USA back when it was under Trump but without all the fanfare of Trump we will be good.

Look at what Biden did, he reversed and or cancelled a lot of what Trump had in place.. the economy went south, prices went up etc.. life in general got more expensive.

This site is based on "Disposable Income" I am sure there some guys who have their paycheck divided up for bills, rent/house payment, car note and insurance, and have some category for "entertainment where they set aside a set amount of $$$ each paycheck so they can arrange sessions with the lovely ladies on here.

If all their monthly bills take up say 40% of their income under Trum, then they can put some aside for savings/retirement (say another 30%) leaving the remainder for fun which is 30%

But if their monthly bills go up and now instead of 40, its now 55, so they keep the 30% going into savings/retirement now they up to 85% spoken for. The remaining 15% is 1/2 of what they had before so instead of seeing a special lady once a week, its now once every 2 weeks..

The RANT here is that Biden and his family/cronies etc have benefited at the expense of your tax dollar.

Notice one thing about Biden.. he wants more gun laws to enforce on the people, his SON admitted to lying on the form 4473 (the form you fill out when you go to purchase a firearm) as well as admitted he is a habitual substance user (there is video)

These 2 crimes would land anyone else in jail for 10 years (the form 4473 issue alone will do that) but sleepy joe does not want that law enforced on his son.
USAsoldier's Avatar
@GhostRiderYYZ, Covid was a Democrat plot??? BWUAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-15-2023, 11:55 PM
The tin hat gang is strong. Republicans are nuts. They blame every problem on someone else. Trump got himself in trouble with his own lies yet its a plot by dems to get him in trouble. Like they forced him to try to steal an election and overthrow the government when he lost. I'd have more respect for them if they could at least admit and own up to thier own problems.

Why Biden son has much of anything to do with anything I don't know. He has zero political power. He can smoke crack under the bridge while sucking tranny dick for all I care what the hell does it matter anyway? Didn't hear a word about the 2 billion trumps kids got from Saudis when he left office. But I'm supposed to care about a dope head who never served political office for daddy.
bigwill832's Avatar
Trump won't spend any time in jail. Democrats will talk about it but won't push it. Why? Because there is a thing called precedent. If Democrats allow all of this to go through and finish the way some are fantasizing about, then it opens the door for the exact same thing to be done to any and all democrat politicians. And we know that ALL, yes both sides, have their hands in the cookie jar in some way shape or form.