
Eccie Addict's Avatar
With some of the threads I've been reading here lately there have been a lot of opinions on judging, right and wrong ect. ect... It got me to thinking...

Is there any such thing as absolutes such as this is right or this is wrong.... Or is it all a grey area such as "well they did this so what I don't see anything wrong with what I do". It's funny I see some people who when they are done what they feel is wrong they raise all kinds of hell and turn right around and say that the lifestyle they live (whatever it is) is ok. Is there somewhere you go to determine what is right and wrong? I personally believe that we are born knowing what is right and wrong otherwise we would all never feel the need to cover ourselves by lieing.

Just something I was thinking about and thought I would post what was on my mind....
London Rayne's Avatar
Many people rationalize what they do as right, so they don't have to feel bad about it. I am not one of those people lol.

You can't convince someone else that what they do is wrong, because they will simply say they don't have the same belief system that you do or the common fallacy of blaming someone else.

I have learned to simply do what works for me and let others be. No use in trying to sway them one way or the other. Living by example rather than preaching normally works better though. If you want your children not to drink, it's not a good idea to booze it up every day and tell them not to. Same principle goes for adults. We want to "see" progress, not hear about it.

I do think there are absolutes, but they only apply to me and what I believe. Another will of course have their own.
I think there are basic core right and wrong and than after that it becomes a personal issue...If you have inner peace and feel like you are happy than you are doing something right,however, if you have that inner voice we all have talking to you than maybe you to reexamine...one of my favorite sayings...insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results....For me personally every night I ask myself if I did anything that hurt someones feelings or could I have handled something differently and than make admends or change my way of doing things....great post...
With some of the threads I've been reading here lately there have been a lot of opinions on judging, right and wrong ect. ect... It got me to thinking...

Is there any such thing as absolutes such as this is right or this is wrong.... Or is it all a grey area such as "well they did this so what I don't see anything wrong with what I do". It's funny I see some people who when they are done what they feel is wrong they raise all kinds of hell and turn right around and say that the lifestyle they live (whatever it is) is ok. Is there somewhere you go to determine what is right and wrong? I personally believe that we are born knowing what is right and wrong otherwise we would all never feel the need to cover ourselves by lieing.

Just something I was thinking about and thought I would post what was on my mind.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Eccie Addict's Avatar
London- i agree with everything you've said.

I can prove that a belief system doesn't determine what is right and wrong. There are things that everyone believes is right or wrong. That alone proves that we all actually believe what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong regardless of a belief system. We are born with that. We only change it around or find a grey area when it directly pertains to us lol. I know that not everyone is like this but the majority are...
London Rayne's Avatar
So what you're asking is if being ignorant of knowing what's right or wrong is an excuse? No, I don't think it is..just like a drunk driver killing your child is no excuse.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
No no I'm not asking.... I know there are no excuses. Just posting a thought and seeing what others think. Like someone else on here said "if you're gonna keep doing something wrong then at least own it".
London Rayne's Avatar
I agree with the "owning it" part.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
The only way to make it right is to own it, ask forgiveness, and change what you do.....
Naomi4u's Avatar
I agree with London.

However EA, Some people don't know how to ask for forgiveness.
I think there is extreme evil in the world as well as extreme good.

I don't think people are born knowing right from wrong. Psychologists and Psychiatrists have identified asocial personalities that essentially have no sense of right or wrong.

I think a lot of criminals are asocial personalities. Their only motivation is the property or person they make a victim. If they had a "conscience" (or sense of right and wrong) they wouldn't commit the crimes.

For the most part I think people do have "consciences." With the possible exception of serial criminals (and certain politicians lol).
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Charlse- If they didn't think what they were doing was wrong then they wouldn't run, hide, make excuses, ect. ect... To them it's not excuses but you and I both know it is.

Naomi- not knowing how to ask forgiveness just means they aren't willing to change yet. Asking forgiveness is relinquishing control and allowing the one that was wronged to determine if they can let it go or not. Most people just say "I'm sorry" and that's it. Basically that's have the sentence, what they are really saying is "I'm sorry, take it or leave it".
gulflover's Avatar
Yes there are a few moral absolutes, although there may be far less than certain people think. But treating people as property is always wrong. Infanticide is always wrong (though the person committing it may not be aware of their behavior and indeed probably isn't as no sane person could do it.)
Admit it, you've been reading Immanuel Kant.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Never heard the name lol
gulflover's Avatar
Been too long since college but Wikipedia tells me he's the one I was thinking of. Categorical imperative, moral law, etc. Critique of Practical Reason might interest you if you could wade through it, given that he was a German philosopher and thus nutty as a fruitcake.
pyramider's Avatar
I think there is extreme evil in the world as well as extreme good.

I don't think people are born knowing right from wrong. Psychologists and Psychiatrists have identified asocial personalities that essentially have no sense of right or wrong.

I think a lot of criminals are asocial personalities. Their only motivation is the property or person they make a victim. If they had a "conscience" (or sense of right and wrong) they wouldn't commit the crimes.

For the most part I think people do have "consciences." With the possible exception of serial criminals (and certain politicians lol). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

They used to be called sociopaths. Ironically, many CEOs and successful businessmen are just on the other side of the thin line.