Looking for a talented Photographer

Laurenspencer's Avatar
I am looking for a photographer to take photos must have some kind of experience in nude photos or have a artistic side . Can be women or male just not a pervert . I really want someone who will take it seriously and not scare off talent , please let me know if you are interested. I will be resuming on photo projects right after Christmas . This gig does not pay , BTW
I'm going to apply for the job. I know talent and have experience with naked girls. All about setting boundaries. But I need some guidance on not being a pervert. 😂😂
WMJ4657's Avatar

Where's the Ex man? WTF
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Pervert and running off talent
WMJ4657's Avatar
Ok I am confused Frank 🤷♂️

We know Baconman is pervert he already admitted it, you saying Ex is pervert & runs off talent? But I thought he was an accomplished photographer? He & Lauren were/are/was friends 🤷♂️ help me out here

Surely there's not any issues there with the everyone should get along & be nice we have all pivoted to is there?
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Ok I am confused Frank 🤷♂️

We know Baconman is pervert he already admitted it, you saying Ex is pervert & runs off talent? But I thought he was an accomplished photographer? He & Lauren were/are/was friends 🤷♂️ help me out here

Surely there's not any issues there with the everyone should get along & be nice we have all pivoted to is there? Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Fuck I have no idea anymore. Ask again in a week
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Looks like Bacon has applied , love me some bacon
farmncityboy's Avatar
Hi Lauren, I too would like to apply! Its been several years ago, but I was at one time a studio photographer for several years!! I still have an eye for beauty! There could be a problem though with the perverted side of it!
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Ok I am confused Frank 🤷♂️

We know Baconman is pervert he already admitted it, you saying Ex is pervert & runs off talent? But I thought he was an accomplished photographer? He & Lauren were/are/was friends 🤷♂️ help me out here

Surely there's not any issues there with the everyone should get along & be nice we have all pivoted to is there? Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Different creative prospectives , why you applying WMJ ? What talents you have ???
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Pervert and running off talent Originally Posted by Fr8nk&Bnz
That really happens I had this one photographer for several years before I got Ex. He ran off the talent by only taking images of there boobs then would text them do you want to come suck it
WMJ4657's Avatar
If you want a talented photographer contact @arlo726 in KC he does some pretty amazing work, he is a member on here

My talents are elsewhere not photography but thanks for inquiring
Laurenspencer's Avatar
You guys calm down , lol me and Ex are fine , Ex is great at photos . I was in hopes a female will step in . They know how to make all the right curves look sexy in photos

Farmcity I will call you tonight have a safe drive up
Laurenspencer's Avatar
If you want a talented photographer contact @arlo726 in KC he does some pretty amazing work, he is a member on here

My talents are elsewhere not photography but thanks for inquiring Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Thanks you ! I will reach out ! After we go to Little Rock me and the ladies out next stop is KC ! So maybe if all works out he could do some boudoir photography have a great day W
Exchequer's Avatar
You guys calm down , lol me and Ex are fine , Ex is great at photos . I was in hopes a female will step in . They know how to make all the right curves look sexy in photos

Farmcity I will call you tonight have a safe drive up Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
I thought I was the only one making a trip back up today?

Im about to be on the roads.
Check your inbox Lauren. I will send you some samples of a boudoir session I did recently. If you are coming to Little Rock I will take care of you.