Best review I have read in memory....

rooster's Avatar

Amazing. You won't be sorry for checking it out.

It is a great review.

I would be happy if half of the reviews I read contained half of the information provided by this reviewer.

Great example to share with us and it's a great reminder how to write a review.
rooster's Avatar
Ain't it? I mean...I'm easy to please. Give me the basics, and I'm happy. Don't try to figure out a way to tell us you got a big dick, and don't try to tell us how many times you made her cum...even though you were her eighth appointment of the day. I hate that shit.

But THIS review....Whew. Fine-ass piece of work, fer sure. We really should have a Hall of Fame for the few that can make the cut....

rooster's Avatar
Edit: killed this post, cuz I posted in the wrong threAd, sorry

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