
I've Been Really Wanting to Make Tamales Lately.
They are Lots of work but the outcome is tasty..
This is my true trade so if anyone is interested let me know.
If you have any questions or tasty ideas feel free to share
kenzsquatch's Avatar
My favorite to make is fettuccine Quattro formaggio with clams. Throw together an arugula salad on the side and a bottle of wine. Nothing better
XmanVirgo's Avatar
I would love some of your tamales beautiful
nevercanhavetoomuch's Avatar
Love homemade tamales. Still remember when I was a kid in Texas. Woman would load a little red wagon up with two large containers of tamales and sell them door to door. A ashamed that I am not in LR Issabella. I'd be one of your best customers.
I love love love homemade tamales! Wish I was closer. I'd buy several dozen.
Tamales are great! But I would much rather have the dessert
The other key to a man's heart Ms. Issabella! I'm with Ginger, love fresh, homemade Tamales, wish i lived closer also. Maybe we should road trip!
absolutely, i am really trying to get sa time frame whereas i can have enough time off from work to make and road trip to mwa, my plans this week were a miss, but i am determined.
I love me some tamales too.I recently ate some in Deming New Mexico.
The preparers were of the Indian Mexican culture.very good.and the Delta of Mississippi region has several little tamale shacks.southern style.
TechOne's Avatar
I'll take a couple dozen if you make enough. I love good handmade tamales; the store-bought or restaurant ones are usually lacking enough meat inside. Just let me know where and when to pick up. Maybe I can schedule time to repeat with the chef as well, too!
cecark's Avatar
There used to be a little place in Newport, Ar that had some of the best home made corn shuck tamales I ever tasted. Would love to have a dozen today.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Quite a few years back in Amarillo, we would take a hog's head to a Mexican lady who would make tamales from the meat and give us half.

A former colleague and his family had a tradition of making tamales on the day after Thanksgiving. One year he shared them in his home with our whole company - about twenty people.
There used to be a little place in Newport, Ar that had some of the best home made corn shuck tamales I ever tasted. Would love to have a dozen today. Originally Posted by cecark
Lackeys has closed his tin shack and moved his Tamales to the Smokehouse, but it is hard to find because it's sign has been broken for years, LOL.
Newport has seen better days.
Yummy I would love some!!! Please let me know when where. Also I love the camarones!! sp? Lol
Also Isabella I love authentic Tortas. When I lived in North Little Rock a few years back I dated a Latino fella. He new where to get all the authentic food people made to sell. There was a Torta that was avocado, ham pineapple onion and cheese. Delish!!!!! However my most favorite is the corm on the cob!!!! Oh my it was $1 a cobb. They cooked it on aluminum foil . Then you opened up the foil and put white crumbly cheese lime, mayonnaise (Mexican) and the best sauce I ever had. It was called salsa but it had the consistency of A-1 steak sauce. Double Delish!!!!!!! I just gained 20 lbs lol.
I love homemade tamales ...got a black guy who is a preacher in Shreveport makes some fantastic tamales.
I found some in Hot Springs at a barbeque place that are pretty good also McClards and barbeque is damn good too.