Ron Paul on Romney: ‘I don’t fully endorse him for president’

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Guess who won't be speaking at the Republican Convention. That's right, Ron Paul. He is persona non grata because of his refusal to "fully endorse" Mitt Romney.

Proud of you, Dr. Paul!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's the smart one. Romney is a sellout. Paul may be a loony but he's always stood for his beliefs.
chefnerd's Avatar
The last couple of years I actually started to see what a chef I was working for in SoCal five years ago was so gung-ho about. This year he has definitely looked a lot more attractive as a candidate than the two mainstream idiots. I was also a little surprised when I scored 73% to Paul and Johnson on the who do you side with poll.
joe bloe's Avatar
He's the smart one. Romney is a sellout. Paul may be a loony but he's always stood for his beliefs. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Except for earmarks.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
He can't fully endorse Romney?

. . . Well, maybe a half-assed endorsement counts better than nothing!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Guess who won't be speaking at the Republican Convention. That's right, Ron Paul. He is persona non grata because of his refusal to "fully endorse" Mitt Romney.

Proud of you, Dr. Paul! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG- also Bush, Cheney Cain, Perry,Palin, and Bachman will not be speaking either- the strategy is supposed to have the "Republicans" leaning in a new direction. LMFAO- yeah when just a week you have a senator who believes in legitimate rape and your Presidential candidate makes an inside "birther" joke.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-28-2012, 07:13 AM
Ron Paul may be a looney to some, but he did bring a lot of ideas and issues to the table.
COG- also Bush, Cheney Cain, Perry,Palin, and Bachman will not be speaking either- the strategy is supposed to have the "Republicans" leaning in a new direction. LMFAO- yeah when just a week you have a senator who believes in legitimate rape and your Presidential candidate makes an inside "birther" joke. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Who would want any of those assholes, nuts or lunatics at the convention. Romney needs to distance himself from the extreme right of the party anyway if he wants to win.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That makes a lot of sense, but the extreme right of the party wrote the GOP platform and are pushing downballot candidates nationwide.

If Romney quits pandering to them (which has hasn't yet done), then he'll be buried alive.
The worst they'd do is stay at home, and I seriously doubt that as much as they hate Obama. He needs to play to the Independents, women and Hispanics. He can't win without at least two of those three demographics.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Who would want any of those assholes, nuts or lunatics at the convention. Romney needs to distance himself from the extreme right of the party anyway if he wants to win. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Olivia sadly Romney can't play both sides- he has to somehow please the Tea Nuts at the same time please Independents.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ron Paul may be a looney to some, but he did bring a lot of ideas and issues to the table. Originally Posted by Dawgs
Fuck yeah! Lets make him leader of the free world!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Olivia sadly Romney can't play both sides- he has to somehow please the Tea Nuts at the same time please Independents. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Then screw the Tea Partiers and the horse they rode in on. Their radical, the best good to be done is serving the middle of the road.
Sour grapes..............Ron Paul needs to check his ego at the door if he wants to be a Republican......I would have more respect (pride) for him if he just left the party...but Paul is about Paul and maintaining his seat.......he knows if he left, he would be out of a very cushy job.

When was the last time Paul actually worked in the private sector ?

1968 ? Hasn't he been sucking off the public teet long enough ?

Guess who won't be speaking at the Republican Convention. That's right, Ron Paul. He is persona non grata because of his refusal to "fully endorse" Mitt Romney.

Proud of you, Dr. Paul! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy