George Zimmerman on Police Surveilance

Hmmmm... no gash on the back of his head. No broken nose.. no visible wet grass stains on his jacket.. oh and wait.. the police are checking his pockets after they pick him up and bring him to the station.
Look again, not sure about the nose, can't tell. But you can definitely see the cop checking out the back of his head and a spot.
Yea he is looking and there is nothing there.. which is totally inconsistent with the police

Here ya go a better video for viewing: its not obscurred by the ABC logo

Oh looky! Nothing is there..!
I can see a spot or something, but don't get me wrong, I'm not a Zimmerman is a hero lunatic. It is only the media that intentionally portrays Trayvon as a cute, perfect 13 year old and deceives the public, that interests me.
Here is the thing the police said and reported that Zimmerman said Travon was on top of him pinning his arms with both knees and put one hand on his mouth and was swinging and beating him with another. That somehow Zimmerman who was pinned got his weapon out of the holster and shot Travon who then fell backwards. Zimmerman said he bashed his head on the concrete repeatedly and broke his nose.

Now with all that it doesn't look to me like any of that occurred by looking at this video. In fact you would think there would be a lot more blood on your clothes if you shot someone that close.

Zimmermans defense that he was fighting for his life just doesn't seem to fly now that we see these videos.

Apparently it was the police themselves who released these videos.

I have seen a lot of barfights and broken noses and this does not look like a broken nose to me especially under the violent circumstances that Zimmerman recounted to the Police.
I would think there would be a lot more blood on his clothes from the gunshot alone? But I'm sure the paramedics stopped the bleeding and cleaned him up before releasing him, that is pretty standard procedure. The lesson to be learned in a castle doctrine state is that one needs to be running away and hope you don't get shot in the back.
Ummm... no the paramedics would have taken him to the hospital for clean up and treatment. Rarely have I even known paramedics to clean the blood up on you unless it is getting in the way of giving life saving procedures. My brother was shot in the stomach and had blood all over him everywhere and the paramedics did not clean him up they just stabilized him and took him to the hospital, I know cause I was there.

My boyfriend got into a serious barfight and got his nose broken and he had blood dripping on his shirt and face it was more than obvious not to mention his nose immediately swelled up.

By the way Zimmerman said he went to the hospital the next day. I would be interested in seeing the medical documentation on that.
I just feel sad about it.Sure crimes are NUMEROUS all around the world and in each state the morning news can seem extemely devastating to see what people are doing to each other.Its so sick at times I just dont watch it or turn it so I can at least start off with a smile before the negative things come through...

This case is very sad.I am not sure of what really happened since I saw several posts on the internet,youtube video clips of the calls and a few mixed stories...I jsut wish we had less violence and that is never going to change since if we look back form the VERY old days to present there are the Hitler days,Bin Ladden days,Towers,Bombing,Slavery,Hu man trafficking,Drugs lords,Gangs....It goes on and on...
Guess all I can say really is I am sad for this whole situation and nothing can bring back the boy that died and I dont know how or what to say about the guy that did shoot. Although the young boy did not look very big size wise compared to the shooter and I don't know what his stength level was either.... "Sigh"....Sad
Ummm... no the paramedics would have taken him to the hospital for clean up and treatment. Rarely have I even known paramedics to clean the blood up on you unless it is getting in the way of giving life saving procedures. My brother was shot in the stomach and had blood all over him everywhere and the paramedics did not clean him up they just stabilized him and took him to the hospital, I know cause I was there.

My boyfriend got into a serious barfight and got his nose broken and he had blood dripping on his shirt and face it was more than obvious not to mention his nose immediately swelled up.

By the way Zimmerman said he went to the hospital the next day. I would be interested in seeing the medical documentation on that. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Yes a MEDICAL REPORT would be very important!!! GOOD point!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I liked this part better

proves he was casing the houses to rob
Honestly, I can't speak of Florida's EMT or your locales procedures. I do know here that if you are bleeding, they will not release you to the police or on your own until they have stopped the bleeding.

But hey, not trying to argue. I assume all the information will come out and if anything needs to be done, it will.
Sexyeccentric1,I just watched the videos you posted and if that was right after the shooting then he does not appear very dirty or bloody to me at all.
I just feel sad about it.Sure crimes are NUMEROUS all around the world and in each state the morning news can seem extemely devastating to see what people are doing to each other.Its so sick at times I just dont watch it or turn it so I can at least start off with a smile before the negative things come through...

This case is very sad.I am not sure of what really happened since I saw several posts on the internet,youtube video clips of the calls and a few mixed stories...I jsut wish we had less violence and that is never going to change since if we look back form the VERY old days to present there are the Hitler days,Bin Ladden days,Towers,Bombing,Slavery,Hu man trafficking,Drugs lords,Gangs....It goes on and on...
Guess all I can say really is I am sad for this whole situation and nothing can bring back the boy that died and I dont know how or what to say about the guy that did shoot. Although the young boy did not look very big size wise compared to the shooter and I don't know what his stength level was either.... "Sigh"....Sad Originally Posted by Exotic Beauty
EB, you got some catching up to do honey, lol. Trayvon was 17 years old and 6'3", and Zimmerman was 5'9". The media is showing Trayvon when he was 12 and 13 hoping that you will feel sad and keep watching for the tragedy.
When I was a teen I had a pretty wild side that I could write a book about.I was even suspended from school at the age of 14 and other childish stuff,of course I am not trying to say anyone's opinions are wrong or right here but if we look into our own past or others I think we all have a resume.I have a very good job and experience resume and have come far from my early teens as a bad ass that had a wild somewhat negative side and I am glad to actually be alive to type this.I am very positive most of the time but when I look back at the early teen times,I would have to say I made some bad choices and have learned from them. I did read that he has a past record of some things that fit into what the shooter stated he was supposed to be casing out.I just wanna say its not a pretty story no matter who was wrong and only one is alive to tell that side now.Sad I went to high school with a few people that died and never made it to walk across the stand...They didn't see 21 and I am like damn,the things people do and choices people make can actually hurt and scar others when they are gone
Honestly, I can't speak of Florida's EMT or your locales procedures. I do know here that if you are bleeding, they will not release you to the police or on your own until they have stopped the bleeding.

But hey, not trying to argue. I assume all the information will come out and if anything needs to be done, it will. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Well you could be right I can only speak of my experiences here in Houston and maybe the EMTs are different elsewhere.