? concerning Strip Club Reviews Forum

I completely understand the rules concerning providers posting replies under reviews for indies and agencies but what about SC's?

If there is a discussion thread there, can I participate if I have information or even just a general comment? Can I start a thread there if I am seeking information?

What if I have had private time? Can I post a review?

Just curious....
Admin probably won't let you post reviews, but I for one would love to read a review about your "private time".
trekker's Avatar
Go ahead and tell your story in the coed forum.
gimme_that's Avatar
The provider in this link below posted a review and recieved bcd credit for it in "another realm" section. Was thinking maybe the rules to some degree are regional, but its a good question to ask.I'm curious myself.

in the past I have shared my SC experiences in the co ed forum but at the moment I do not have a current private time story to share. The question about my ability to write a review was for future reference..

My main concern right now is my ability to particapate in the discussion threads in the SC forum, like the one going on right now about going to the clubs alone. I would also like to know if I can comment under a review if I have a question or something to add.

I may be a provider but when it comes to SC's I consider myself a hobbyist...
I'd do it and see if you get your hand spanked.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
OK, campers I'll assist my brother mod.

The general rule is that reviews are written by hobbyists only. In the forums that are discussions and reviews, the discussion threads can be addressed by anyone and the reviews are for male hobbyists. I'm not sure what happened with the thread listed above. But I'll find out.

I will check my interpritation with the rest of staff.

Sooooo, AS feel free to contribute to discussion threads but please refrain from posting a review until I check the rule book. This lil OLD country mouse is gittin more and more furgitful.

Please put up with me. I'm ancient.

Horn, April also asked about if she could comment in a discussion that is going on. Would that be off limits too?
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
If the thread is attached to a review the review rules hold. If the thread starts as a discussion, it's a discussion.

Please hang with me folks! I'm dancin as fast as I can. Y'all aint the only ones that miss Big C!

I'm just a lil OLD country mouse, but I'm here for ya.

Thanks brother.
Thanks HID!

I just wanted to be sure before I did anything.....

I can participate in discussion threads but need to wait for you to clarify things before I either post my own review or participate in a review thread.... got it!