Things InfamousBj did for me that don't have acronyms.

It's not sexy to mention, so it never makes her reviews. However, anyone who has had the pleasure of spending time around InfamousBJ knows that she provides something beyond what you'd expect to get from the hobby. I thought in honor of her, I would let everyone have the chance to share something she did for them that had no business being mentioned in a review.

I was sick as a dog, I had the flu. I hadn't had it in years. I was in complete misery, and it lasted almost 6 days. She texted me to see what I was up to, and I told her I was sick. She asked if I had medicine. I told her I was broke till payday. She persistently insisted on getting me medicine, food, something to drink, and cigs. I've never even had a gf that was willing to do that. When you have the flu, people treat you like you have ebola or something. She just sees suffering and does her best to ease it.

edit-Do not reveal personal real life information-Forum Guideline #22-Torito

If you're dying to get involved, PM me. There's 3 of us so far. If you have too much going on in your life, and we've all had those moments, then please take a moment to share something specials she's done for you that you couldn't list under the activities section of a review. Eventually, she will return, and she will surely find out about this thread. I think she deserves to know how many people out there care about her.

Ok, so if anyone ever needs to win an argument with me on a thread by labeling me a white knight... sorry I forgot to gift wrap it... you're welcome.
Oops that link was supposed to show in the message.
dan.uncut's Avatar
Wait, what's going on with IBJ? I've only had one session with her, a few months back, but she was very accommodating and caring. I remember her telling me that she was wanting to get out of the hobby soon.
Sounds good
ghost901's Avatar
I have seen IBJ for years on and off now, for the past few months she has been my not only ATF...but my ATO (All Time Only) I'm sure like others, sometimes I just text and talk with her. She is a caring person and deserves more then she ask for or gets. I would think most people on this board have seen/heard from or about her, and would hope that everyone gets behind her and supports her when she is in her time of need.
I don't know what happened with IBJ, but she is a sweetheart. If someone could let me know if she's OK, I would appreciate it. I regret not seeing her recently. Always loved my time with her.
i just got home from meeting INFAMOUS again! knees are still shaking, and heart still pounding! she does wonders for all my body parts! and its because shes the REAL DEAL in everyway that keeps me coming and coming back! shes good at what she does and shes a wonderful person!