Its officially holiday season....

Tiffany Tyler's Avatar
Hey Everyone,
It's officially holiday season and many of us have family we spend those times with....but many of us dont!

So I'm curious what are some of your plans are, who are single. I'm looking for ideas of things to do or meals for 1 that u might have ideas for (fyi, I hate onions & mushrooms) but onions for flavor are perfectly fine... I know I'm picky.

I'm not really up to traveling for the holidays, especailly alone, so I'm trying to find local things to do. I wont be spending time with my family this year and want to find ways to not just be sitting at home bored... lol... who wants that!

What is your favorite holiday? Why?
What is ur favorite holiday dish?
What is ur favorite holiday tradition?
What is ur favorite holiday movie?

What is ur holiday dream?

I'm so curious to see what everyone says. And I know alot of u have family and are not single, but if u have any good ideas or want to answer the questions.... please do I'd still love to hear what u have to say as well!
CG2014's Avatar
My holiday dream is to spend it with a beautiful lady and have lots of sex in between and not having to pay for it

- like the old days, prior to year 2000, you know?

Before women put money and material things above human companionship and physical fulfillment.

Now many women go even further:

they won't even have lunch with you unless you pay them for their time and

I AM NOT TALKING about just providers and call girls and escort girls and professionals.

Just the girls you run into when you are out in public at a restaurant or at the mall or at the grocery store, wherever,

they want money to just show up.

Whatever happened to would you like to go out to lunch or on a date and 2 human beings who just met, getting together, to find out about each other and to have some social interaction?

I think it's today's media and social media and those stupid music videos showing if you don't have bling bling and you are not flashing Benjamins, you are not anybody, that's the cause of it.

Nice ad by the way and also Holiday Season doesn't start until Thanksgiving.
Tiffany Tyler's Avatar
I'm sorry the world isnt fair, never has been for many. But it's how we make the best of it. And for many the holidays start with Halloween. But to each thier own right!

Not sure why this would make u post that when I would be ranting that on social media and the places that are bothering u. But for the ladies here this doesnt apply. And if u meet any of us in public probably will be same response. But that, just a lil part of the world if ur wanting lunch find a dating site that does lunch. Maybe start one. We all have the ability to make the best with what we have.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I get a kick out of providers that ask what a hobbyist likes/wants on a review/discussion board. It must be for screening purposes to weed out all the guys that do not say "whatever you want is fine with is your donation".

Yes the world is not fair, that is why instead of hoping for the best, but getting the worst in many instances, us guys pay a provider to take us out of this crazy world and do what we like for the time we are paying her for.

Anyone know where a guy can find a provider who will do that? As opposed to the all the frequent "go with the flow" headstrong fixed personality type aka I do only what I want ladies.
CG2014's Avatar
Typical provider mentality: narrow and doesn't get it.

Only time you get it is when money is put in front of your face.

Many of the providers here will never jump into bed with some of the guys on here who are old or fat or both.

But throw $300 in their face, and there goes all their inhibitions and boundaries.

Also you asked the question:

What is ur holiday dream?

I'm so curious to see what everyone says.
I answered your question and now you want to whine because you don't like my answer?

Don't ask the question if you are not prepared to handle the truth.

By the way, your thread is still an AD!
Tiffany Tyler's Avatar
Not going to argue hun, seems u have a bone with providers and this went completely off topic if u feel that way start ur own thread. If u read my post it was about holiday ideas nothing more. U jumped on here attacking ladies and what we choose is our right!

Please dont continue to be rude, that was completely uncalled for!
Bestman200600's Avatar
One Thanksgiving I cooked a lot of things and got on the board and asked the providers who was hungry. Had 3 takers who had an excellent Thanksgiving. The cooks payback was excellent also. All smiles. Meals on wheels.
Yes, the holidays are creeping up ever so fast. Usually places like Central Market, Kroger, and Tom Thumb have pre-packaged Thanksgiving meals.
My favorite holiday is of course Christmas, because I get to go Christmas shopping for my favorite providers (you know who you are)
My favorite dish is butternut squash with loads of butter and brown sugar.
Favorite Holiday tradition is Christmas shopping and getting time off from The Rat Race.
My favorite holiday movies are actually cartoons, anything Charlie Brown and so on.
Hope this helps. By the way thanx for the pics, I forgot how Gorgeous you were.
CG2014's Avatar
Asked a question and you give them a honest answer and they don't want to hear it.

Don't ask, then!
I think she was just asking us gents to answer the 3 or 4 questions she presented.
Tiffany Tyler's Avatar
Yes, so true... completely about the holidays, etc... nothing more! Thank you!
Tiffany, relax and let it go. Many guys can only think with one head and resent spending money but do it any way. I will PM you with some good holiday things. I spent many years single and away from family.
DallasRain's Avatar
you have beautiful eyes!

I luv halloween..I go all out...I lived in new orleans many years so my luv for halloween grew even more lol

I do like getting together for family dinners at all the holiday times.
Tiffany Tyler's Avatar
Thank u, I luv Halloween too! this is the first year I didnt decorate or dress up.... but Christmas is on... lol!

I'm definitely looking forward to making my own new traditions. And one things always true is evolution is inevitable and never ending. So I'm just trying to find this best way I can enjoy this year with new ideas.
Tiffany Tyler, I think it would be fun to start a holiday tradition of spending time with you and making sure you are not alone and bored.

Here are some of the things I have done In the past for the holidays.

I have donated turkeys to homeless shelters and helped them during the holidays.
I know others on Eccie that volunteer at Children's Medical Ctr.

In the past I have gone to movies Christmas Day to enjoy the atmosphere. I love the theaters where you eat and watch the movie. Lots of fun.

I also enjoy cruising NorthPark trying to get in the holiday spirit. I enjoy the crowds, people watching, seeing all the decorations, and hitting the food court. More fun.

It helps to pick a child's name on the Angle Tree and shop for them.

When Mom was healthy I'd drive her around to see all the lights. We never got around to doing the horse drawn carriage rides to see the decorations.

It is fun to bake cookies, pack them in decorative tins and deliver to friends and family.

It is also fun to invite all the single people you know to a pot luck holiday dinner. In the past I have done this with SMU exchange students who can't go home for the holidays, my divorced and widowed friends, and anyone else that is alone.

I have cooked (2) turkeys so everyone has left overs. I love a cold turkey sandwich, candied yams, and corn bread dressing with gravy.

Christmas is a time to remember friends and family by showing them love and compassion.

Tiffany, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.