loose lips sink ships

This issue has come to my attention. I am looking for feedback from others about this kind of issue. Is it not a big deal? Do you as a provider or hobbiest feel this would be good to know about a provider? I am not revieling names at this time until I know I am not over reacting. It is possible to learn from past mistakes to not just start spouting off before thinking.

A hobbiest has posted a couple of times on here that he was told by a provider he has seen a few times about communications she has had with another hobbiest. He has said he had access to emails, texts, etc between the two and post this here instead of keeping it to himself. He has posted the general content of the communications though not the actual text. He has not posted the providers name but he has claimed the information he had access to was about a specific hobbiest and who that is.

I happen to know the provider personaly so I know who he is talking about. I have never seen her as a provider but I was the one who suggested she join the site.

To me, this is a gross betrayal and lack of respect of personal information. Who knows what she has told to others about her clients? Things about other providers that the client may have let slip?

If you as a client knew this woman tells others about your communications and activites, would you still want to see her? Do you want another hobbiest who is then going to tell everyone else about it know your business? Choosing to write a review is one thing. But should the provider be telling others your business without your permission? Possibility including things you would not want others to know? Maybe even non-hobby related things.

As a fellow provider, what do you think? Would you trust her with anything? Would you recomend her to your clients if they asked about her? Do a doubles session with her?

Does it matter if the provider does it out of spite or is just not thinking?

This is not about should you trust a provider. No matter how carfull someone is, its always possible to let personal info slip out. Some girls can be very sweet and make it east to let your guard down, especialy after a few sessions.

What do you thing? Should I let out the names of those involved?
LazurusLong's Avatar

First off, you are relying on second hand information. More commonly known as heresay.

The provider can be lying just to stir shit. Hell the client could have some way of hacking another person's computer or email and just read what he wants and simply brags he is being shown information.

Keep in mind the first rule of the hobby:

No one can protect you from actions of others so you need to safeguard your own privacy like your life depends on it.

Don't tell others shit about yourself, don't email private info, don't think you can trust anyone no matter how long you think you have known them.

WAY too many bad things have happened in and out of the hobby because of pussy.
We already have enough idiots repeating everything they hear as fact.
No, its not hearsay. The provider admited she told him things that he has already said. So their stories match. And, as I said I am floating this as a realiy check instead of just giving out names. Again, this is not about who to trust or not. No matter who carefull you are, its possible to slip up. Woul dknowing this about someoen stop you from seeing them?
Neotek's Avatar
Whatevz. Hobbyists talk. Providers talk. It's up to us not to get caught up in the drama. Do your (the)biz(z) and then bounce.
daty/o's Avatar
If a provider had a habit of indiscretion, then I would like to know about it. I don't know that it would keep me from seeing her, but it would certainly make me more cautious about it.
notdeadyet's Avatar
If a provider had a habit of indiscretion, then I would like to know about it. I don't know that it would keep me from seeing her, but it would certainly make me more cautious about it. Originally Posted by eccl3

Oh, if you reveal names and such, does that hamper the provider's enjoyment of the site and hence constitute a violation of the terms of service?
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Whatevz. Hobbyists talk. Providers talk. It's up to us not to get caught up in the drama. Do your (the)biz(z) and then bounce. Originally Posted by Sascha Ring
There is a difference between "So and so said" and "Here, read all these emails and PM's from so and so". Even worse when it's several so and sos.

I never assume real security, but it's amazing what people have been trying to excuse lately.
Damn, I made it too complicated. Let me reword it a bit. Hopefully this makes more sense.

As a hobbiest, if you knew the provider you were considering seeing was known for sharing communications and who knows what else from you with other hobbiest, would you care and would it affect your willingness to see her?

As a provider, would knowledge of the above cause you concern about shairing of information or interaction between the two of you?
No, its not hearsay. The provider admited she told him things that he has already said. So their stories match. And, as I said I am floating this as a realiy check instead of just giving out names. Again, this is not about who to trust or not. No matter who carefull you are, its possible to slip up. Woul dknowing this about someoen stop you from seeing them? Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Actually, unless the "hobbiest" who posted on this is you, it is hearsay. You are repeating something that someone else repeated to you after it was witnessed by them. Now, if your friend the "hobbiest" posts what he witnessed, that wouldn't be "hearsay"...however, he'd be in violation of board rules (oddly enough) and may get pointed.

That being said, I would thank him for that information as I would most definitely consider it when considering aforementioned provider for a fictitious appointment.
Seriously, do you really need to ask yourself this??????

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If prostitution were legalized, then they could require prostitute/client confidentiality, similar to the law (hey, we are really just a different kind of fucking) regarding attorney/client privilege.
Otherwise, you have to know who you can trust.
jacklongley's Avatar
Bubba, welcome to ECCIE. You're official now. I'm going back under my rock now.