LMAO! REALLY? CoEd gets a LITTLE life thanks to PurtyBaby and some others

Whispers's Avatar
and new chicks that seldom post start whining?

But it's still that old "attack pack" that is really the fault I bet!

WOW..... We got one Post HO running an Ad disguised as thoughtful criticism in another PostHo's thread.... and then yet another pops in to bash them......

Bitch Fight Man! We aint had good cat fights around here since Roxanne and Maxeen had it out! That bar for entertainment is pretty high ladies!

Give us sumtin to watch....

At least PB has an avatar of a chick I would want to fuck....

sixxbach's Avatar

At least PB has an avatar of a chick I would want to fuck....

Originally Posted by Whispers
Yeah, I think that is the only reason I haven't taken a shot at her.

Maxeen and I always did everything BIG rather it be parties, clients or fights lol. It will be a tough one to beat

But at least we always got over it eventually and moved on. We're both great people and human and still love her like a fat kid loves cake.
I like Purtybaby, she has balls and sticks to her gun and is not afraid to say what she feel. Gotta give her credit!
Well hell, thank you Roxanne . That means alot coming from another lady on the board. In reality I am actually mostly chicken shit and would scale buildings and knock over the elderly to escape conflict but I get a little scrappy from the comfort of my lazy boy. Even on here I do not like nor wish to be involved in any conflict but it does seem to seek me out. Thank you for the shout out Whispers , your tombstone was some funny shit.