Rates. Low vs. High.

So I'm browsing BP ads as a "true lurker" does...And I noticed how a vast amount of providers are offering extremely low rates (ranging between $40-$160/qk-hr.) And it got me to thinking...

If I were a hobbyist, I would prefer not to see ladies with rates so low. My issues would be:
(A) She has an extremely high call volume, so she'd probably be in a rush.
(B) The number of clients she has per day would affect the tightness of her vaginal walls (ie. Less pleasure for me)
(C) Is she even a REAL provider or just a girl trying to support some habit?

I understand that the local/national market of providers has made a MAJOR incline, and that the economy has done the opposite. But is it really THAT serious?

Ladies/Gentlemen, what's your take on the situation?
I agree with you all the way. If i were a hobbiest i would ask myself the samethings before i chose a girl to go see. My taste would still have me spending a shit load but it would be on a more expensive low volume extreamly well reviewed lady. I work hard for my money and i want the best experience for it. There are several girls that are on there that im not so sure that i would even want to spend 15 min.s with let alone an hour or longer.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto---I would do research and see if its too good to be true...but then again,if she was not a reutable provider,I would not see her anyways

good thread!!
That depends on what he's looking for.

If he's showing up for $40, he probably doesn't mind if she's rushed, because he wants to be out of there pretty fast himself.

Also - don't discount the concept of fetish. There are men who are turned on by the idea the only think separating him from her previous client is a shower. It's sort of a "used goods" fetish, that goes along with gang bang and gonzo porn tastes. It's even a scenario enacted in fantasy fetish play where situations are scripted. You'll see a lot of this kind of mention in Erotic Short Story forums where civvies post their fantasies.

For every kind of guy, there's a girl out there, and for every girl, there's a guy that desires exactly what she offers.

I book companionship, both ladies and gents. It's rare as I don't have the financial means to really hobby, but I like my sex regardless of which side of the fence I'm standing on.

When I book price isn't a consideration - I don't care if the provider charges less or more (unless it's totally out of reach). I care that the person who is presented interests me in some way, and that they will fulfill one of my needs. That need might be for a pure sexual indulgence with someone who seems fun, and it might be a dinner date with a companion that transports me mentally as well as physically.

I do like low volume, because they have more emotional energy to invest. However, price is not necessarily an indicator of volume. I find a good indicator of low volume is someone who has a price structure that shows they really favor long appointments - dinner dates or overnights. That tells me the companion has a regular base of probably a few close patrons that keep them financially stable, so they can afford to say no, and are less likely to put themselves in a risky situation.

I personally don't like to see 20 pages of reviews. In fact, I don't care if there are no reviews. Women with no reviews have great back channel chatter. So she might have been around for 5 years and have never gotten a review. However, if you know how to access the back channel talk, you'll learn from people that she's a fantastic companion, and well worth seeing. Reviews are not always an indicator of a good companion, a one on one discussion with someone who has met them is much more effective the public posturing.

I really don't think there's a formula for how people hobby. It's probably as unique as the individual.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I've never booked a "quickie" for $40 so I can't say I know what you get for that, but I will say there are 3 factors contributing to this:

1) The economy. Plain supply/demand. Exceptions to every rule, but the same session is at the same price (e.g. no inflation) or even cheaper than 5 years ago

2) The internet. It is easier and cheaper than ever to advertise your services. There is blurring between SW (at those price points) and BP.

3) Providers listening and meeting customer needs. Customers talking about only really wanting a release. Why pay a whole hour if all you need/want is a few minutes? Some providers have decided to fill that niche in the market.

Edited to add a 4th: the Decline of Agencies/Rise of Indies - The agency business model would never support these lower rates. Indies have more flexibility in pricing

3) Providers listening and meeting customer needs. Customers talking about only really wanting a release. Why pay a whole hour if all you need/want is a few minutes? Some providers have decided to fill that niche in the market.

Edited to add a 4th: the Decline of Agencies/Rise of Indies - The agency business model would never support these lower rates. Indies have more flexibility in pricing Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I think you nailed it.

2) The internet. It is easier and cheaper than ever to advertise your services. There is blurring between SW (at those price points) and BP.
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Not to past judgement but IMO, I believe some or maybe even most of the ladies with lower rates migrated from the SW scene, without having the knowledge of how the "veteran" providers already had the standards set.

I'm pretty sure when those ladies became internet sex workers, there weren't many (or any, for that matter) providers with rates so low. So what possess them to take the plunge at it?

I'm leaning more toward the increasing amount of supply being the cause. Some girls may feel the need to "compete" with the next provider. And then once she drops her rates, the next "competitor" follows, and so forth...
atlcomedy's Avatar
Not to past judgement but IMO, I believe some or maybe even most of the ladies with lower rates migrated from the SW scene, without having the knowledge of how the "veteran" providers already had the standards set.

I'm pretty sure when those ladies became internet sex workers, there weren't many (or any, for that matter) providers with rates so low. So what possess them to take the plunge at it?

I'm leaning more toward the increasing amount of supply being the cause. Some girls may feel the need to "compete" with the next provider. And then once she drops her rates, the next "competitor" follows, and so forth... Originally Posted by SashaFoxx
I'm sorry the SW's have busted up the comfy biz you and the rest of the vets had...

But how did it happen? SW literally sits out in the sun/rain/ice etc. waiting on a client to come by and takes $20, $30, maybe even $50 to do whatever.

Then she learns about CL/BP. Pays $10-20 a day in advertising. Takes some pics with her camera phone and voila! Now she is getting $50 -$100 for the same thing and can literally lay around in her air conditioned notel room watching Jerry Springer or Law & Order waiting for the cell to ring? What a windfall. Why mess up a good thing by trying to get $200 out of the guy?

And screening? Well she never really screened out on the stroll other than the customary, "You're not a cop are ya?" and that seemed to worked out okay (with the exception of a couple of trips to County) -- so why mess with a system that works
Would most humbly add own opininon to discussion. Have hobbied for several years. In that time have experienced range of provider from lowest to elite. The lowest partly because when I started funds did not allow access to more expensive provider. There are ladies who fill all needs and budgets. Most hobbyists would not have their needs met if the only provider available cost a months pay. By the same token, a lady who commands a 1000$ a night will have no interest whatsoever in the business of a working man who finds that number beyond his grasp. All men are not Donald Trump and all women are not Julia Roberts. I have known and enjoyed ladies who gave me service at 140$ that because I could have it was just as good to me as the lady who charges 1000$ that I did not have. I have always tried to make it a point to be respectful and thankful for what I have. Sometimes it's hamburger and sometimes it's steak, but I do not look down on the one for being ordinary any more than I resent the other for it's expense.
Then she learns about CL/BP. Pays $10-20 a day in advertising. Takes some pics with her camera phone and voila! Now she is getting $50 -$100 for the same thing and can literally lay around in her air conditioned notel room watching Jerry Springer or Law & Order waiting for the cell to ring? What a windfall. Why mess up a good thing by trying to get $200 out of the guy?

And screening? Well she never really screened out on the stroll other than the customary, "You're not a cop are ya?" and that seemed to worked out okay (with the exception of a couple of trips to County) -- so why mess with a system that works Originally Posted by atlcomedy
You said it ATL ! I agree 100%.

Not one time did she think of all the others ladies that actually DO this for a living rather than for fame and/or fun. Nor, did she think of how much wear and tear the 25 guys a day @ $40 each (ie. an "un" easy $1000) would cause to her body.

Now, don't get me misconstrued. It's not ALL about the amount of money being made nor spent. But we all work hard for our earnings and in order to enjoy the fruits of our labor wise money management is required on both ends, provider and hobbyist.
Sometimes it's hamburger and sometimes it's steak, but I do not look down on the one for being ordinary any more than I resent the other for it's expense. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
You're a good man Charlie Brown...er ...Charlie Chan.

All I'd add to the discussion is don't ask to pay Happy Meal prices for a seven course meal.
You're a good man Charlie Brown...er ...Charlie Chan.

All I'd add to the discussion is don't ask to pay Happy Meal prices for a seven course meal. Originally Posted by babee
I agree
You're a good man Charlie Brown...er ...Charlie Chan.

All I'd add to the discussion is don't ask to pay Happy Meal prices for a seven course meal. Originally Posted by babee

Kind words from lustrous lady most appreciated. May humble detective add he is saving his milk money. Mr. Chan has a yen to meet you
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I might as well add my .02. Some (most?) of those "cheap" ads on CL/BP are fake. Contact them and they have some info on you. Some try to get those who respond to go to a website and pay. Some are a set-up to rob anyone who shows up. Many use fake pic's. Some are legit. It takes some acumen to discern the genuine from the fake. Many hobbiests on this board go to the discussion boards to get info on them.

Even if my budget were extremely low, I think I'd save up and see a lady with reviews to be safe.

I have my eye on a couple of genuine and wonderful ladies on eccie. I think they know who they are. Now just to make the time and budget to travel to them.
NshoreGeorge's Avatar
I wholeheartedly agree with Mr Chan, there are all qualities of provider from {not with a ten foot pole}, to the OMG she must be TGTBT . I would be hesitant in this time and age to see a provider that offers very low cost quickies.... besides which it takes me that long to get comfortable with a provider and into the rhythm of things
I would note that streetwalker class providers know little about hygiene, and with high volume 15 minuet clients way increase the risks of catching something.
.....But... I have responded to an ad at the prevailing prices and walked away thinking geeze .... not only was that a waste of $$$ but that is
a whole hour of my life I will never get back....