Roto asian

michealninn's Avatar
Tried this roto asian thing. I had the donation for a 2 girl and after 5 minutes the other girl gets up and leaves! Few minutes later I hear another guy talking to the girl who left. Worst experience of my hobby life!!! I asked where the other girl went and her friend played like she didn't understand what I was saying. I left not long after that! They will screw u gentleman and play like they don't understand! This was the worst experience i have ever had. I would advise to not see these ladies. Just my honest review!
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
Oh boy....
They're getting more popular with these reviews so now their willing to screw some people if it gets more money in the door
michealninn's Avatar
Yes sir they are!
JackJohnson's Avatar
acting just like some local providers. get popular, get stupid, start hustling people.

also their managers may be thinking of pulling out (pun intended), so they dont care about burning bridges. they eventually attract trafficking task forces. be wary.