Election Perspectives

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
How about if we have a non-hater discussion thread on our various perspectives on the election results? Passion allowed, but no personal attacks on others for opinions.

I'll start...

1. Looks like Nancy Pelosi is out... there is a god! But wait... 'The Boner' is in... there is also a devil! The score is 1-1.

2. Looks like a mandate for less spending on education, less spending on health care, continued protection for Wall Street, and protected tax incentives for the most wealthy. Great. Works for me personally, but our global economic and standard-of-living slide downwards looks like it will continue on the path GWB started.

3. Now is the time for the Republican resurgence to show us that they aren't leftover warmongers from the GWB regime. Want less government spending? Push hard for us to get our asses out of Afghanistan and Iraq.

4. The democrats really needed a strong message, especially in the house, and they got it. My worry is now focused on the (lack of) competence of their replacements. I'll try to keep an open mind because change was needed, but I'm pretty worried.

Full disclosure: I am conservative but I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I think both parties are corrupt and incompetent. I'm looking for any and all evidence that either party may begin to emerge and once again represent the people who elect them and not the lobbyists who corrupt them.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I think both parties are corrupt and incompetent. I'm looking for any and all evidence that either party may begin to emerge and once again represent the people who elect them and not the lobbyists who corrupt them. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Until money raised inside the district (for the House) and the state (for the Senate) is all any candidate can spend - you're pissing up a rope in a hurricane. Eliminate the PACs and drive politics back to the local level by demanding all $$ for campaign financining be local. That would also force incumbents to spend more time at home because there's where the cash is and that's the only place to get it. Otherwise, screw it, it's bidness as usual.
It's past time to force the federal government back to it's constitutional limits, this union of states was never ment to be a dictatorship of Washington elites. Thanks to Obama and gang I now have no health insurance, my income tax has gone up, fuel prices have shot up due to the devaluation of the dollar. It has been hard to break past minimum wage over the last 2 years.
If someone knows how to raise the dead, bring Reagon back please.
We have to cut all spending - military, entitlements, discretionary.

Shrink the size of the federal government.

Pay down our debt

Operate the federal government with a balance budget - no accounting gimmicks.

Secure our borders and stop illegal immigration.

PS: I don't think the above will happen.
Good era if you like verbiage, bad if you like economic performance -- I'll pass. The nostalgia doesn't match the record . . .

The reality is that the next two years are a total stalemate and the traditional Republicans that survived have targets on their backs and know it.

Regarding Boner -- he's got the toughest two years of his life ahead.

The most disappointed group in two years will be the Baggers -- and their disappointment and anger will be magnified. This won't make them any more effective, just louder.

The extremes on both sides didn't make the cut -- from Feingold to another pretty face and loud mouth from Delaware. They make for good sound bites but don't play well in the real world.

For the record, my politics lean more toward anarchy and I've paid my dues on a number of fronts -- don't toss the useless labels my way.

Boltfan's Avatar
Coming from a conservative, I actually think the next 2-6 years could be very good IF certain things happen. Recent history suggests it could happen:

94-99 Economy was pretty darn good. Everyone came to the middle and things got done (never without hiccups or controversy). Clinton wanted to get re-elected. Hopefully Obama wants the same AND is willing to get away from his puppeteers controling from the left. Compromise all around is not a bad thing. Budget was balanced. Did some bad things come out of that era? Of course.

Oh hell what am I thinking, politicians learning to do what worked in the past and eliminate what didn't, like that will happen.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It's past time to force the federal government back to it's constitutional limits, this union of states was never ment to be a dictatorship of Washington elites. Thanks to Obama and gang I now have no health insurance, my income tax has gone up, fuel prices have shot up due to the devaluation of the dollar. It has been hard to break past minimum wage over the last 2 years.
If someone knows how to raise the dead, bring Reagon back please. Originally Posted by Truckertom
No one's income tax has gone up under Obama unless you're making more money than you did in previous years. 90+% of tax payers pay less. Hopefully, he and the lame duck Congress will repeal the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000 like I do, but so far, no income tax increases of any kind have been passed since he has been President.

As for the election, the next two years are going to be a complete clusterfuck. The Republicans, driven by the TeaNuts, are going to be completely unwilling to compromise. Obama, who is apparently incapable of attacking them for their obstruction, will keep offering them olive branch after olive branch only to have them slapped away, and will appear weaker and weaker each time he comes crawling back to them.

It sets up a very interesting election in 2012. Obama may get a challenge inside the party from the left, but he'll beat it back. The R's will nominate some loon, that Obama will probably narrowly beat. And we'll be back to the same old stalemate. Meanwhile, our economy will continue to slowly, but inexorably fall further behind China, India, Brazil and other countries that are actually still spending stimulus monies. We're in for an ugly decade or so, I fear. That's why I'm mostly invested in stocks in developing countries and China. That's where all the growth will be.
Rangerman55's Avatar
I think both parties are corrupt and incompetent. I'm looking for any and all evidence that either party may begin to emerge and once again represent the people who elect them and not the lobbyists who corrupt them. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Most of the politicians are lawyers...and lawyers love chaos...chaos is good for billing...so nothing gets settled...and nothing gets accomplished!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
No one's income tax has gone up under Obama unless you're making more money than you did in previous years. 90+% of tax payers pay less. Hopefully, he and the lame duck Congress will repeal the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000 like I do, but so far, no income tax increases of any kind have been passed since he has been President.

As for the election, the next two years are going to be a complete clusterfuck. The Republicans, driven by the TeaNuts, are going to be completely unwilling to compromise. Obama, who is apparently incapable of attacking them for their obstruction, will keep offering them olive branch after olive branch only to have them slapped away, and will appear weaker and weaker each time he comes crawling back to them.

It sets up a very interesting election in 2012. Obama may get a challenge inside the party from the left, but he'll beat it back. The R's will nominate some loon, that Obama will probably narrowly beat. And we'll be back to the same old stalemate. Meanwhile, our economy will continue to slowly, but inexorably fall further behind China, India, Brazil and other countries that are actually still spending stimulus monies. We're in for an ugly decade or so, I fear. That's why I'm mostly invested in stocks in developing countries and China. That's where all the growth will be. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TeaNuts, are going to be completely unwilling to compromise.

bs it is BO who refused to talk to the GOP and compromise over medical insurance, it was take it or leave it

will keep offering them olive branch after olive branch only to have them slapped away

ditto above

The R's will nominate some loon, that Obama will probably narrowly beat

the name Donald Trump sounds nice

why is it nobody who was at Harvard when the muslim attended remember him?

here are the election results
Boltfan's Avatar
You can't argue or even intelligently debate with TTH. Anyone who does not agree with him is a loon or a moron, according to him.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
You can't argue or even intelligently debate with TTH. Anyone who does not agree with him is a loon or a moron, according to him. Originally Posted by Boltfan
My turn to call you on that one. TTH posted an opinion and made no comment about anyone else here or their opinions. Or did I miss it?

Similar to what 'someone' recently posted here to me, why do you have to throw out the inflammatory statements just because you disagree with someone's opinion?

I agree with what both you and TTH have written, for the most part. More tomorrow. Maybe.
Boltfan's Avatar
He posted an opinion that included calling whomever is nominated on the republican side a loon. TTH has a long history of name calling to anyone who does not agree with his opinion. Why do they have to be a loon? ANYONE right of TTH is a loon according to him based upon his own posts.

His comment could have stood alone without desparaging anyone else. Again, he has a very long history of this "debate" style.
Guest032213-02's Avatar
The loon in question has not been referred to, nor has posted in this board. It was referring to a Republican whom hasn't even been named or nominated yet. Though probably will be Sarah Palin.

The reason the loon term was labeled, was because in order to make Obama seem like a lunatic liberal, they are going to have to put up a lunatic republican to counter balance, and then win the presidency in 2012.

We now choose candidates because of what we fear the other candidate might do. Making it a visceral choice, not a logical one.
Par_Shooter's Avatar
He posted an opinion that included calling whomever is nominated on the republican side a loon. TTH has a long history of name calling to anyone who does not agree with his opinion. Why do they have to be a loon? ANYONE right of TTH is a loon according to him based upon his own posts.

His comment could have stood alone without desparaging anyone else. Again, he has a very long history of this "debate" style. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Libs are all too proud to call themselves tolerant and open-minded, as long as you agree with them...

Hopefully the results of this election will send a signal to both sides - get your sorry asses back towards the middle and get something done. Common sense and compromise, all too lacking the last two years, will hopefully come back into play. It made Slick Willy a success and I think Hussien and his staff see the writing on the wall, at least he's saying the right things.

And thanks to baby Jeebus, we no longer have to see that fucking semi-lucid Nancy Pelosi sitting behind Hussien in the SOTU addresses. Although, amazingly, I read this morning she's lobbying to stay in a position of power...Are you f'ng kidding me?