Eva and Tony

Randy4Candy's Avatar
"Hot" news from "omg"


I'm sure most have either read or heard about the latest big breakup among the beautiful and famous.

The question here is does this prove the old adage, "No matter how good looking a woman is, someone's tired of f*cking her."? If so, why is that?
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
He's an idiot. Left text messages to his "bitches" on his freaking cell phone. Qualifies for the Darwin relationship award.
  • PT4ME
  • 11-18-2010, 11:56 AM
Not sure R4C, I think it is more that "celebredom" is just not conducive to happy marriages. Having never been one I cannot speak from experience, but it seems more of them tend to not work out than do....
I laughed when I heard the news also, and thought, hmmmmm, if she were "mine".....

In actuality, I prolly would behave no differently..... but I WOULD NOT be trying to "do" a "teammates wife", that is where i think he actually "crossed a line"....


trynagetlaid's Avatar
Can't wait for Lamar Odom to dump that obnoxious Kardashian bitch!!!
A husband is only as faithful as his best option.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Or maybe, once the make-up artists and hair stylists leave, she's just a normal woman with normal problems, only with a giant helping of celebrity entitlement...

Fucking your teammate's wife is an entirely different level of low-life
TheBizzer's Avatar
Fucking your teammate's wife is an entirely different level of low-life Originally Posted by txcwby6
Better than fucking your teammate's mom:
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
i'm just fuckin' heartbroken.

Spaulding Smails's Avatar
She seems cool, but I always thought Eva was way overhyped in the looks dept. Very avg face and body, IMO. Tony can do better.
They "deserved" each other. More important (and unlike Jessica Simpson or Bristol Palin) they both faded (somewhat) into the background. Guess 'ol Tony is living up to his French roots and being a real "Pepe Le Pew!
As neither of them is in my circle of friends, it doesn't really affect me a whole lot anyway. Somehow, my little world will continue to spin on.

However, from what I hear, it's a former teammate, not a current one. Not that it will make much difference to Eva's attorneys.
Brent Barry's soon to be ex-wife. Sexting, is that forgivable. I guess not.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Or maybe, once the make-up artists and hair stylists leave, she's just a normal woman with normal problems, only with a giant helping of celebrity entitlement...

Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Amen, on the notion of celebrity entitlement...lol. That goes to the point of being tired of fucking someone, regardless of looks, who might not provide sustinence in other areas. OTOH, Tony could be the offender on that front, too. But, being an old fart, I've moved past "image" and prefer to cut to the chase to the point of what people actually look like. And, I've gotta say that I'd do Eva in a heartbeat especially since I'm more of a MILF Next Door kinda guy. Kinda dig the bubble gum in the bottom pic...LOL!
  • MRMR
  • 11-19-2010, 03:16 PM
Have these Guy's not learned anything from Tiger?
Get a hobby phone! I think they can afford it.