Should have known pics too good to be true, but this one is a verified fake. Be safe out there and only send a deposit out to ladies who are verified here!
For the record, I did not send "it" money...just reporting because "it" got hostile when I refused to prepay.
Sure signs of a fake on STG:
-Asks you where you're located with first reply. This is because they have ads up in multiple cities at once and need to be ready for location questions.
-Is very graphic and dirty in description of services provided. A real provider will be more discreet.
-Lists "Water Sports - Receiving" and/or "no condom required". 99% of real providers aren't going to advertise letting you raw-dog them or piss on them.
-Location is vague with something like "In town", "My Home", "Downtown" etc. A real provider will list the city she's actually located at in her ad.
I'm sure most of you already know all of this, just a PSA for the new guys!
The Location gives it away from the get go.
Originally Posted by Cherokeechief
You're right, I was just thinking/hoping with my little I've never been with a black girl and really wanted to knock that off my bucket list!
For the record though, last girl I saw put Airport as her location and she was real so...sometimes I guess it's possible but you're right most of the time that's a sure sign.