A Few Things You May or May Not Know About Me

Danielle Reid's Avatar
Look at me! I'm starting another pointless thread! Offended? Fuck you (I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Come love me, spank my fat ass, finger my wet twat. I'm a cum thirsty Greek loving slut whore...ew no never mind. On with the thread!!)

Ok now on to me telling you my darkest secrets. Are you ready?

1. I don't smoke. I tried smoking once and almost coughed up a lung. My chest was on fire I have cigarettes and the smoke smell. Problem is, everyone I hang around smokes! So my hair, clothes, shoes, even my suitcase and car smell like I smoke 3 packs a day! I may end up dying from lung cancer and I don't even touch the stuff.

How do you get rid of cigarette smell from your already clean clothes? Burn them?

2. I really am a bitch, just not to everyone. Some people I connect with, other piss me off to there I dream about them getting attacked by gold fish...or something.

3. I'm quiet. Very quiet. Most of the time I don't talk unless I'm forced to or the conversation is something I can elaborate on.

4. Socially awkward. Remember when I said I'm quiet? Yeah I'm also awkward. The only time I feel sexy or top shit is when a man has his dick in my mouth and making that "Oh damn!" face Fuck me daddy, I'll be your little cum hungry slut whore

5. I spend most of my free time lurking, watching you all interact and learning how humans work. One day I shall write a thesis about the interactions of hookers and Johns (don't get offended, it's a joke)

6. I love traveling, and I mainly travel alone. The only time I have someone with me is when Ginger and I decide to go on a road trip. Or when I'm teamed up with another porn whore making videos on the road (they smoke too! Wtf is with all these smokers in my life? I DONT SMOKE I PROMISE!)

7. I try way too hard to get noticed (can't you tell?)

8. My obsession with bikers and midevial folklore is becoming dangerous (biker knights anyone? )

9. I've only had 1 BoyBoyGirl 3 some with a red hair super cock named Thor (my god I love that man) and some long haired guy named Leo (no idea who he is but I guess he was cute...I don't know can't remember his face but I remember his dick)

10. I sometimes fall for assholes. Not the ones that think they're funny but the ones that truly don't give a shit about anything...except me of course

I could go on and on but then I'd be dipping into RL territory. Ask me anything...and I might answer it.
What's your favorite color? Do you like puppies and long walks on the beach?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
What's your favorite color? Do you like puppies and long walks on the beach? Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Only if potty trained
Sometimes, it's not too cold
Good on color, good on puppies. As far as beach, you go when it's warm. Otherwise, you don't go. Still working through your 10 point plan.
I don't smoke. I'm not a bitch. Sometimes I'm quiet, sometimes I'm a talking MF (never with secrets, I'm good at keeping them). Ok, I have worked my way through three.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I don't smoke. I'm not a bitch. Sometimes I'm quiet, sometimes I'm a talking MF (never with secrets, I'm good at keeping them). Ok, I have worked my way through three. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
See, I'm not that complicated after all
I have never thought you were complicated (ladies and
gentlemen plus mods - forgive me because we are flirting here) - but let us move to the next three points. Socially awkward. Nope. Spend time lurking on this board. Yep. But I'm not shy about posting. Point six, yes, I enjoy traveling. I have never traveled with Ginger, though I know her fairly well.
1. I kinda thought you might have been a smoker.

2. What is it people do to piss you off?? Holding onto bitch anger is not healthy.

3. Yeah, you are quiet a bit.

9. Id kinda like to see you in porno where 2 dudes have you going like a rotisserie chicken. One in the mouth, one in your tight pussy in doggy!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
1. I kinda thought you might have been a smoker.

2. What is it people do to piss you off?? Holding onto bitch anger is not healthy.

3. Yeah, you are quiet a bit.

9. Id kinda like to see you in porno where 2 dudes have you going like a rotisserie chicken. One in the mouth, one in your tight pussy in doggy! Originally Posted by Iridemhard
Sometimes people annoy me. It could be a number of reasons. Being unnecessarily stupid is one. But it's not often that I'm pissed off. Most of the time I'm quite happy with life.

I'll try and find the link to that video, at least the trailer. I think you have to pay for it. Warning, I look horribly fat in it
Danielle Reid's Avatar
11. I'm self-cautious about my weight gain. It's not coming off fast and I'm avoiding a lot of paid modeling work because of it. I'm very insecure to wear sexy lingerie as well (not like any of it fits)

12. I'm insecure about my boobs. They look like flap jacks or deflated balloons. Ive hated them for years and just when I get a bit of confidence, I'm slapped in the face with criticism
11. You and ginger are ont his weight thing. Its the weather. Cold weather will make the human body put on a few pounds.

12.what size titties would you get if you were going to get surgery?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
11. You and ginger are ont his weight thing. Its the weather. Cold weather will make the human body put on a few pounds.

12.what size titties would you get if you were going to get surgery? Originally Posted by Iridemhard
I gained weight long before winter. I guess it was last winter though, never got rid of it but luckily I didn't gain anymore. But 35 pounds is a lot on a 5'2 frame. I use to be a spinner

Well it's going to be a two-part surgery. I'm getting a lift and small implants. So I'll either be a full C or a small D. Either way they'll look bigger and perkier than they are now
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Btw here is that link. You can see a 60 second preview
Big D's would look great on you.

They even creamied you!! Lucky bastards.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Big D's would look great on you.

They even creamied you!! Lucky bastards. Originally Posted by Iridemhard
I might go with big D's. I'll decide after I'm healed from the lift

That was my first double creampie as well. Jealous?