Okay okay, short notice guys. I feel your pain.

So there I've been the past 6-7months with very little time to play and the one day I have off in months is the one day nothing seems to be coming together. I had no idea I would have all this available time today, so of course I didn't plan ahead. Hahaha

Such is life. But it's pretty funny. Now I know how a lot of you guys feel who I used to give a hard time to about always asking me at the last minute! Lol

The struggle is real!!

My. Shameless. ThreAD.
Me too! Wth? :/
i feel your pain. normally i have something in the middle of the day the opens up suddenly, or will be in a part of town without planning. it's especially harder when screening hasn't been done ahead of time... i do it to myself because I dont P411 or write reviews.

today is a crazy day, like its a full moon at work, otherwise I'd love to come over and see and help you both out!!!! No play makes for extra horniness and it sounds like you haven't played today!
It is a full moon or something. As soon as I started to go work on other stuff my phone blows up. Lol. Oh well.
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
Same here on my end! I had all the time in the world this afternoon and ZILCH. But as soon as I'm busy with my other work, or I make plans, my phone blows up!!! Your right THN....the struggle is real! :-)
I find that the perfect temperature for guys is 71.5 degrees and partly cloudy. If its raining ... guys stay in. If it's too sunny, guys stay out. If it's cold ... guy don't bother traveling. If it's too hot, guys don't bother traveling either.

Oh ... also when you're ready to put you on your pajamas ... that's when they start calling.

Must be a thing ...
mrredcat43's Avatar
I find that the perfect temperature for guys is 71.5 degrees and partly cloudy. If its raining ... guys stay in. If it's too sunny, guys stay out. If it's cold ... guy don't bother traveling. If it's too hot, guys don't bother traveling either.

Oh ... also when you're ready to put you on your pajamas ... that's when they start calling.

Must be a thing ... Originally Posted by Lylipad
You couldn't be so farther from the truth. The only weather that keeps me in is ice and tornadoes. I don't care what time of day it is, if I'm in the mood and don't feel like taking care of the issue myself, I'm gonna stArt making some calls, after lots of research of course. I've made calls as early as 7am all the way to 3am.

When the brain downstairs takes control, all bets are off!!
Man HN, at first I thought 'the big change' your're starting was beginning to take effect...u know like hormones affecting your manempathy (it's a real word, I swear!).

Hahahaha - j/k. (I am j/k, right?)...then I read the other ladies replies and thought the better.

And hey! I don't mind pajamas if they're cute....look about the same laying on the floor.

I find that the perfect temperature for guys is 71.5 degrees and partly cloudy. If its raining ... guys stay in. If it's too sunny, guys stay out. If it's cold ... guy don't bother traveling. If it's too hot, guys don't bother traveling either.

Oh ... also when you're ready to put you on your pajamas ... that's when they start calling.

Must be a thing ... Originally Posted by Lylipad
There needs to be a research team with you at the helm, girl. I've never been able to put my finger on it but what you got sounds about right. Let's go with that.

I left town to run an errand I've been needing to run and no shit I get like 10 pings within 30min. You can't make this shit up. Lmao!!!

At least I got something accomplished today though. I've been procrastinating on that one for a while.

When I finally make it back to town I'll have to go to class. Oh well.

No dick today. Damn...
Well shit, I could've had a short notice 4some with Kendal, THN, and Linsday.
Right!? Spieler, it's like the anomaly of three stars coming into alignment - mystery of the universe - basically like finding the unicorn.

Maybe there should be a doubles/triples short notice thread. (Now, if I could just find some cool thread starter like THN or my bud TinMan to make that happen.) Bah! Just making me horny.

morsa1990's Avatar
I took today off to go buy a truck went to 4 different lots and none of them had the truck they advertised.
  • grean
  • 04-05-2016, 03:49 PM
I took today off to go buy a truck went to 4 different lots and none of them had the truck they advertised. Originally Posted by morsa1990
Well at least you didn't see an Ad with a 20 something hot, bubble assed redhead and get a 50 year old fat girl when you got to the door.
Hey Gals... there were 36 available now adds this morning.. I think it is the proximity to the first. It is so weird-- some days I can not find a playmate..
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yep, felt that before. Driving into Dallas thinking I'm about to pull some panties down aaaaand...crickets.

Not a good feeling.