Summer Memo - Gents

Just a few topics guys, there are a lot of newbies around.

I will not re-visit screening, The last screening thread was beat to hell, so to each his own on that topic.

Smegma- google it, make sure you dont have it! The summer is coming, We all find creative personal hygiene routines. Of all the offensive "Odors" Smegma is the top offender.

Gent Participation. Guys, I do understand that you are showing up with the expectation to be entertained. A visit is so much more fun and interesting if you also actively participate in the festivities.

The word "service". Guys, take the fun out of it why don't you. Just remove the human intimacy. You might as well be taking your car in for an oil change. And consider that it is not 100% the providers responsibility. She can only go so far, If you are a bump on a log, and not contributing, (mouth breathing loudly with your eyes closed is not participation). I understand in those moments to want to focus on the "O". And that is okay.The foreplay sometimes is the best part of the experience, and it is so much more fun when both people are creatively contributing. Again, the word "service" you guys are using lately is just lame, really. Its a turn off.

There is more I would like to say, Ladies, If there is anything that you would like to add, please feel free.

~Mean Ass Out (just a meanie today)
If I may contribute, April.
Slow down-Contrary to popular belief, this USED to be a luxury hobby. This drive-thru, fast food, mentality has taken all the fun out of it.
If I may contribute, April.
Slow down-Contrary to popular belief, this USED to be a luxury hobby. This drive-thru, fast food, mentality has taken all the fun out of it. Originally Posted by Nicolet
Slow Down, for sure it's simply a reflection of a fast paced lifestyle.
LA Man's Avatar
April can I get a 10 minute B&G on my way to a 10 minute Full SERVICE with Squirting from Nicolet.

I promise to wipe JR LA off with my underwear that was clean two days ago. Oh and I'll stand up so I won't be laying there withy eyes closed breathing loudly....

Love ya girls, can only imagine someone not wanting to participate with such fun women. To each his own they say, maybe this is a big reason for YMMV!!!

PS Hey dead head smegma guys. Ask before your appointment to use the shower and request help (don't refer to the need of smegma removal!!). Shower play is very fun
April can I get a 10 minute B&G on my way to a 10 minute Full SERVICE with Squirting from Nicolet.

I promise to wipe JR LA off with my underwear that was clean two days ago. Oh and I'll stand up so I won't be laying there withy eyes closed breathing loudly....

Love ya girls, can only imagine someone not wanting to participate with such fun women. To each his own they say, maybe this is a big reason for YMMV!!!

PS Hey dead head smegma guys. Ask before your appointment to use the shower and request help (don't refer to the need of smegma removal!!). Shower play is very fun Originally Posted by LA Man

Lol!!! Thanks so much for your input, lol. And I'm gonna need you for more than 10 minutes, that's hardly a hello
LA Man's Avatar
Lol!!! Thanks so much for your input, lol. And I'm gonna need you for more than 10 minutes, that's hardly a hello Originally Posted by April Cox
Will be more than ten minutes!!
Yes, 10 minutes will not be near enough time!
LA Man's Avatar
Yes, 10 minutes will not be near enough time! Originally Posted by Nicolet
Make you squirt in ten minutes though, hmmm think we list count of those during strawberry's and champagne !!! Ohh, that I can't do that because it would be participating.......I rather confident if any of the wonderful ladies I have had the pleasure of spending time with from Eccie claim that I just laid there it was only for a chance to regains composure will she does the same!
Marshpirate's Avatar
Good post April! The fact that you wonderful ladies go through copious amounts of preparation in order to give us a very pleasurable experience, it only serves to return the favor by being well groomed, clean and fragrantly acceptable, lol. I am very sub-conscience about my appearance and cleanliness. Pre-event showers available are greatly appreciated, especially after a long road trip.

Foreplay is very important to relaxing, and "taking it slow" is a key enjoying the whole experience. I admit to having a problem with the relaxation part, I think mostly because of feeling like I'm racing a clock. Just to make it clear, NONE of the providers I have seen have EVER watched the clock, in fact, ALL have gone gracefully overtime without a complaint. But learning to relax and let things flow is a goal of mine.
Nothing wrong with having seconds, marsh!
Thank you for the responses Gents. Honestly smegma is not much of an issue. I was more just curious about how you guys would respond to it. lol, Its been many years since that word has crossed my mind.

Also, boring sessions are also not much of an issue either, I love and adore my guys. They are the BEST!

This "fast food drive thru" or 5 minute oil change mentality is a bummer, it does suck the fun out of it.
Great points for both gents and providers.I think having a friendly demeanor goes a long way.I've heard stories from ladies about guys just walking in,getting naked and "lets bang".That does not work for all ladies.Having a pleasant and thoughtful personality might make it more pleasurable.I also have noticed some ladies that see guys back to back want a more brisk appointment.Get in and get out so I can move on to the next.I have also seen this with well known ladies.

Looking forward to the day I see the lovely April Cox.I am going to be extremely interested and engaged.
giantbourbon's Avatar

The word "service". Guys, take the fun out of it why don't you. Just remove the human intimacy. You might as well be taking your car in for an oil change. Originally Posted by April Cox
Amen! Recently, one of my favorite UTR ladies referred to herself as "providing a service" to me, making it sound like our relationship was along the same line as that of a waitress/customer. And I had seen this lady six times. All at once, the fantasy collapsed. And she dropped several notches on my ATF list.
Thank you for the responses Gents. Honestly smegma is not much of an issue. I was more just curious about how you guys would respond to it. lol, Its been many years since that word has crossed my mind.

Also, boring sessions are also not much of an issue either, I love and adore my guys. They are the BEST!

This "fast food drive thru" or 5 minute oil change mentality is a bummer, it does suck the fun out of it. Originally Posted by April Cox
Leave it to my little blonde sweetie to provoke stimulating thought.. Intelligence really turns me on... IJS.. Oh wait, that wasn't the nature of this thread! Haha... Take it slow, relax, chat, build a rapport and pleasure one another.....