difference in registered and verrified member

Wat is the difference between registered and verrified member which one one is safer I been getting alot of registered members pm me and they all have joined with in 1 weekso just wanted to know Wat was the extent of someone to get on this site who is registered and not verified
A verified member is a member who has had a review that was approved or has purchased access to the men's private areas of the board. A registered member is someone who has access to the board but to none of the private areas nor to the detail information of reviews. There is no official verification of members on this board.

If you want to verify anyone, I would suggest that you stick with members who use a verification service like P411 or that provide you with reliable providers which can provide a vouch for the member's legitimacy.

Wat is the difference between registered and verrified member which one one is safer I been getting alot of registered members pm me and they all have joined with in 1 weekso just wanted to know Wat was the extent of someone to get on this site who is registered and not verified Originally Posted by sexykelly316
bartipero's Avatar
Or you can talk to me. I'll verify this is me any time. I'm licensed by the government if the united nations of the world and Carl the Greenskeeper to be me. I even appear on my own money. Or at least around it.
Omahan's Avatar
There are no Verified Members. There are verified Providers who have to be verified to get that status . Only providers are ever Veriffed. The men can be Registered or Premium Access. Premium Access is purchased - either through money or reviews. Anyone can get Premium Access.