The Christmas Season......

Guest121917-1's Avatar
What is your favorite part of this season??

The tree?
The family time?
The gifts?
The holiday spirit has your SO super horny?

I am curious......

I love when my tree goes is kind of a big even in my home.

I get in the holiday mood and it just makes me so reved up that I cant control my self!!!
jimmyBJ's Avatar
Yup same here. For me its the night I decorate the tree. I have a whole family tradition around it. I like that night better than christmas eve or day.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
I totally agree with you!!
MARTlAN's Avatar
The work Christmas Party, there is always a chance to get laid and blame it on alcohol...
DallasRain's Avatar
all the
John_Dough's Avatar
Dec 26th.
jimmyBJ's Avatar
Dec 26th. Originally Posted by John_Dough
Love me some footie on boxing day!
Dec 26th. Originally Posted by John_Dough
The true Wise Man .
Tan Khan's Avatar
The wonder and expectation in kids faces as they sit next to the presents under the tree.
Whispers's Avatar
Last Christmas Eve, After the little one was asleep, we put out all his presents for when he woke up...... Some assembly was required and We were at it till about 3AM........ Very Early in the morning, after getting out of the shower I found the 21yo lady that shares my life with me in white stockings and lace with a Santa Hat on her head laying in front of the tree as a present.....

It worked into what was and will always be my favorite......

to paraphrase another.....The wonder and expectation on MY face as I sat next to the presents under the tree!
DallasRain's Avatar
my christmas are extra special since I have a 2 year old grandbaby!
I just like getting home and my house smelling like a Christmas tree. Even if my dog tries to piss on the tree every day...smh
Family and food. There are some delectable edibles that only appear at this time of year in my household and a lot of our tradition is embodied by certain seasonal foods and especially baked goods. The scent of apple cider mulling on the stove. Egg nog with a bit of rum and fresh-ground nutmeg. Those things can almost convince me that the snow is falling outside.
Moved to appropriate Forum.

  • Jax
  • 12-06-2012, 12:43 PM
Love the lights and decorations. More fun though is when grandkids open presents.