Reading A Ladies Websites.....

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 02-16-2010, 04:20 PM
There has been a lot of questions pertaining to ladies reading a
clients p411 profile..Ok, now here is my question to you guys....
how many of you have read a ladies website before visiting her?
Check out the pictures to see if something goes then read the info she has, and if she has a blog I sometimes read the blog to get a feel for her personality.
bigmarv's Avatar
I always read a providers website and also pay particular attention to her reviews.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Before I schedule I read everything on her website. If I like her, I get all giddy & horny and promptly forget half of it.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I pay particular attention to what she says she likes. Often disappointed in that way, but not in others. It amounts to false advertising if you want to get technical. But I always say my dick is a foot long, so I can't complain.
I'm a dork. I read anything and everything I can find. Website, reviews and their board posts if applicable. I like to get to know a lady I am seeing as much as possible. Its funny as they seem surprised when I quote them from a post or website information.

This doesn't make me a stalker does it?
motocrossman39's Avatar
Always, Always, me an idea what to expect...
chipper's Avatar
I go through a Ladies Web Site like I do Playboy. I just look at the pictures. Just kidding, I start reading it. If I don't finish it I am not calling her.
Read??? are you kidding me?? I just wanna see pics of the starfish!

I read everything--twice. I think I think that if I have taken the time to view her as a human being and know a little about her she will tend to view me that way also. Then, it would just be two consenting adults doing whatever. Seems more fun to me. Alas, my theory is batting one for three so far. Hall of Fame in baseball; not so good here I don"t think.
xperiment's Avatar
I skim, to see initial reactions are good. If they are, then I try to find out more intel, likes, dislikes, personalities, chemistry, etc.
Chevalier's Avatar
Website, reviews and their board posts if applicable. Originally Posted by KohanaKoa
Ditto. Obsessive-compulsive. At least enough to get a sense of whether I'll enjoy her company. Sometimes I find it not that helpful early in the process and don't continue reading further. Sometimes I conclude quickly that I would enjoy seeing her but continue reading anyway because I enjoy what she has to say.
xperiment's Avatar
Sometimes I conclude quickly that I would enjoy seeing her but continue reading anyway because I enjoy what she has to say. Originally Posted by Chevalier
If that happens I am very interested.
Precision45's Avatar
I don't pay much attention to the website so much as I do her reviews. I see if there are any pics I haven't seen yet and her current rates, that's about all.
selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-16-2010, 07:41 PM
Read everything I can find... search for her post's on boards, see if she has a sense of humor or is constantly berating... Once I have read all I can then I decide whether to go see or not!!!