Timing of initial response to a request.

Hercules's Avatar
Ladies. If you get a request for an appointment that’s too far in your future (week or more?). At least respond with some sort of “tentative” acknowledgement.

If I don’t hear back from a lady after a couple days my only option is to ask someone else.

A lady’s initial response should NOT come in as a confirmation the day before the requested time if she’s had a week or more after screening. Sorry, but by then it’s too late and I’ve confirmed with someone else.
Lana Warren's Avatar
You're absolutely right! It's just like responding to a RSVP when invited to a social function.......ladies, where are your manners?
Lana, I THINK that we already determined the answer to that, didn't we? LOL!
TinMan's Avatar
While this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, I wonder if one of the reasons most providers don't want to plan more than a day in advance is for security concerns...if they get busted they don't want Johnny Law stepping into their place and taking the appointment.

Nah, it's probably just laziness.
I actually prefer advance notice. I've accepted dates a month or so in advance.

There are some ladies who like to wait and see what's going on in their personal life, or how they feel so they'd prefer to set dates more spur-of-the-moment. They're a great choice for last minute calls.

There are other ladies who adore organization and planning. We like to know who/what/when/where in advance so we can schedule exercise classes/lunch with friends/volunteer work/dentist appointments around them.

Hobbyists fall into these two categories as well. Some want to schedule same day, or even within the next hour, when their schedule opens up and they feel the urge; some want to schedule in advance (especially visiting businessmen).

The trick is for hobbyists and providers who have similar scheduling styles to find each other. Trying to get an "in the moment" lady to book ahead of time (and remember...and show up) is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Likewise contacting an "advance planning" lady to ask to meet in an hour when she's with a friend at the museum won't meet with success.

I know the comment about being busted is tongue-in-cheek, but if a lady keeps her calendar in her password-protected email account and also doesn't take her laptop to her incall/outcall, that's double protection against LE getting the info.
I find it difficult to schedule an appointment in advance of more than one day. I am sure it is my A.D.D. and the fact that the anticipation of the date affects my concentration in other areas.

I am very much a "when the moment strikes" kind of guy. I will say that even when I have one of these moments, I find myself contacting three or four providers the day prior in an attempt to get a confirmation and I ultimately get at least one that will respond two or three days later stating she is ready to get together. Too late.
While I never mind last minute calls, it WIDELY varies from day to day if I have the time available.

A day in advance is ALWAYS good. I, too, have made appointments weeks in advance and that will guarantee that the time is yours!

I can't imagine anyone contacting me for an appointment (say) the end of next week and me not contacting nor confirming with them until right before.

I don't think of it as laziness but I WOULD call it bad business!
Randall Creed's Avatar
If business is slower, shouldn't there be more time to check emails and PM's?

And to go DAYS without checking, I dunno. You go to look at some ladies' P411 page, and THEY haven't looked at their accounts in days...and sometimes WEEKS and MONTHS??!! Crazy.

And before you use family as an excuse, who else abandons their 'business' for DAYS AND DAYS at a time?

Just saying...
pmdelites's Avatar
Ladies. If you get a request for an appointment that’s too far in your future (week or more?). At least respond with some sort of “tentative” acknowledgement.

If I don’t hear back from a lady after a couple days my only option is to ask someone else. {only option - really??? -pmdelites}

A lady’s initial response should NOT come in as a confirmation the day before the requested time if she’s had a week or more after screening. Sorry, but by then it’s too late and I’ve confirmed with someone else. Originally Posted by Hercules
jokingly and sterotypically, your problem is you're looking for logic in a provider's reasoning.

seriously, if you dont hear from her in a day or two, just re-email her and ask if she would like to set a tentative appt or if she will pass. if she says "yes", find out when to re-confirm prior to the appt. if she says "i'll pass", you'll have your answer.

also, in my opinion, if and when she responds is her choice. i dont think you have any say so in the manner. attempting to suggest how she handles her communications probably wont win you any points in her scorebook.

and, in my opinion, if you dont hear back from her in your timeframe, you schedule an appt w/ someone else, and she contacts you saying "yes, i'm ready baby!!" :^), then be polite in letting her know your plans changed - period, end of sentence!! i strongly recommend you DO NOT tell her you've scheduled with someone else [i dont think she needs to know your business]. unless, of course, you want to probably lose more points in her scorebook.
btw, i sometimes start talking w/ my women friends weeks in advance about scheduling an appt. it seems to start heightening our appetities and lets them pencil in my reservation for our encounters :^) i always tell them that if anything changes i will let them know as soon as i can. and ditto for them. over the years, i've had to cancel several appts due to my project mgr sending me to a client site. and i've been cancelled on a few times cos she got sick or had someother pressing task to take care of.
other times, i schedule and am visiting her in just a few hours.

so, intercourse, errr, communication is the key, at least to me.

[[[intercourse –noun
1.dealings or communication between individuals, groups, countries, etc.
2.interchange of thoughts, feelings, etc.
3.sexual relations or a sexual coupling, esp. coitus.

1425–75; late ME intercurse < ML intercursus communication, trading, L: a running between. See inter-, course]]]
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 02-27-2010, 08:28 PM
Well Hercules, I have a lot of men that book in advance, from one month to 3 months a head of time..I think it is good for the guys that know their travel itinerary and make arrangements a head of time so when they get to town they dont have to waste all their time hunting a provider on short notice.....Or for the men that like to schedule a month in advance for a pmdelites rondayvoo......
xperiment's Avatar
Well Hercules, I have a lot of men that book in advance, from one month to 3 months a head of time..I think it is good for the guys that know their travel itinerary and make arrangements a head of time so when they get to town they dont have to waste all their time hunting a provider on short notice.....Or for the men that like to schedule a month in advance for a pmdelites rondayvoo...... Originally Posted by fawn
Scheduling in advance with Fawn is fun. We flirt texted. However I didn't think she expected for me to start so early.
I generally only hobby once a month since I travel 5-1/2 hours to get to Dallas or Houston. Therefore, I do plan weeks or months ahead of time if I want to see a particular lady. I'm sorry if that is the problem but I don't want to arrive on that particular day and then end up with a less than stellar experience. By planning ahead, if I haven't seen this particular lady before it gives her amble amount of time for screening and she knows for sure that she has a guaranteed date for the night. I think it is a win-win situation for both of us. I have never no showed a lady and have only one lady no show me since 2001 and she had a legitimate reason. I did see her a month or so later and spent a few nights with her until she retired from the business in 2007. I appreciate the women that are willing to work with me.
pmdelites's Avatar
Well Hercules, I have a lot of men that book in advance, from one month to 3 months a head of time..I think it is good for the guys that know their travel itinerary and make arrangements a head of time so when they get to town they dont have to waste all their time hunting a provider on short notice.....Or for the men that like to schedule a month in advance for a pmdelites rondayvoo...... Originally Posted by fawn
Scheduling in advance with Fawn is fun. We flirt texted. However I didn't think she expected for me to start so early. Originally Posted by xperiment
or come so early, multiple times
I will be sure to keep that in mind.
(Thanks for the reminder, this in-turn helps me provide better service.)
gptxman's Avatar
I have tried to plan a meeting once a couple days in advance and due to my tight schedule it ended up that I was going to be a little late so I called the provider and was accused of playing games so from now on I will stick to just calling when I have time and hope I can find a provider that has free time to meet with me.