Who is a good plan B, C or Z?

roaringtexan's Avatar

Any recommendations or volunteers when a provider stands you up?

I will search but thought I would get an "updated" answer or volunteer...

Thanks guys.

Be Safe
Nina A. Ross
(I'm normally the Starter wife but ok I"ll be the Good wife...lol well back-up plan.)
tsrv4me's Avatar
Love to know that also .....just stood up because of her Scheduling conflicts ......but no other plans involved at this time ....just her....what if the provider made plans for some one else to fill in for her in last minute situations .LOL
well.. if u call me ii had an opening at 6.. just an idea.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Plan B's are usually ladies that you're already screened with...or should be.
Hardallnight's Avatar
Studios or AMP's are always good plan B's or C's. They used to be my plan A but somewhere along the line I realized that a provider I had not yet seen should always be plan A, if that falls through for whatever reason you can quickly change to plan B.