taking care of YOURSELF

Hiii yall is its Brooke, i just wanted to put a post out and apolgize for any cancelations TODAY, any missed calls, emails, or PMs. Brookie is rather tired.. sore.. and just plain exhausted I DECIDED TO TAKE A BREAK AND NOT WORK TODAY.. MAYBE EVEN TOMORROW I DUNNO YET. but I will be checking emails tonight for upcoming day appointments. The reason behind the day off is I want to make sure BROOKE is taken care of and not getting burnt out. A very well known provider had written an email making sure that i was not burning myself out, since i am new an all.. and i wanted to pass this on to the ladies, to make sure the most important person to PLEASE is urself. so listen to body if its telling you to take a break from all the fun

I hope the MEN are understanding and arent upset with me.. I wanna make sure YOU get 100% OF BROOKE. <3

*** enjoy my fav day of the week (HUMP-DAY) for me make Brooke proud.

Brooke Cumsalot
wackatronic's Avatar
We're understanding, but will not excuse all that color! lol Have a great day or so off!
Thanks for posting, nothing more to say.