Actual and/or real pictures

tsrv4me's Avatar
I keep seeing that many ads say REAL pics or Actual pics..........of course they are real or actual pics...But they just dont happen to be the real or actual pics of the person that shows up at the door many times does REAL or ACTUAL mean anything ......T
If it gets your money it means a new purse to them.
otrdriver's Avatar
or new shoes!
If it gets your money it means a new purse to them. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Thank you BJ, you just sent me from tears to a heart attack.*shaking my head* Please
It means its real pics of a bait and switch. I love those pics that say what you see is what you get and then i read a review of the chick and it was bait and switch.
I love the ads that say "Real Pics.. and if it's not me its Free" Yea right... It's free till her Pimp/Driver bashes your head in and takes your wallet...
I see guys that tell me all the time how they have been fooled by woman that use fake pictures. I think that it's horrible and alerts need to be written on these woman so guys will stop wasting their money.