Unfair judgement, shouldn't there be a Hobbyist Review section??

Ladies I don't know about you but I've had things said about me that were pretty unfair. Not saying I wear my heart on my sleeve, but if the men can point out all of our flaws, shouldn't we be able to do the same?

I mean bitching about a woman with a little weight or too big/small tits is a little hypocritical when its coming from someone that's losing their hair and a gut that swallows his belt.

Pot calling the kettle black, is it fair?
  • T-Can
  • 03-04-2010, 11:41 PM
No it wouldn't be fair because then I would have to raise my rates, again! *sarcasm*

But seriously, y'all provide a service, we don't. Just like a restaurant, they can't review their customers but the customer sure can review them.
travelling_man's Avatar
Good point CanDo. There are movie reviews, but have you ever heard of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg or Tom Hanks going to a movie to watch the patrons and complain about them talking too much, eating their popcorn too loudly or getting up to go to the bathroom too often?

Do you pay the guys who see you? If you don't pay them, then you don't have a right to review. You have the right not to accept an appointment if you don't like someone. Start paying the guys and then you can review whoever you want.
Sweetheart, with your scrumdiddlyumptious self... where have you been

Add another one to the list
...Pot calling the kettle black, is it fair? Originally Posted by Evelyn Bonita

OMG! This isn't another race thread is it?
xperiment's Avatar
OMG! This isn't another race thread is it? Originally Posted by cpi3000
I see nothing racial here. Move on please.

For those who know me, this is funny. For everyone else...I survive Nuclear fallout.
xperiment's Avatar
Ladies I don't know about you but I've had things said about me that were pretty unfair. Not saying I wear my heart on my sleeve, but if the men can point out all of our flaws, shouldn't we be able to do the same?

I mean bitching about a woman with a little weight or too big/small tits is a little hypocritical when its coming from someone that's losing their hair and a gut that swallows his belt.

Pot calling the kettle black, is it fair? Originally Posted by Evelyn Bonita
More seriously. Yes you are a "product" and people will poke and prod the product and point out all its faults. Its unfortunate and it will never change. Backlashing out at the hobbyists well at first may make you feel better may have a negative effect on your business. I suggest talking to the ladies in your provider areas and ask how they deal with it. Out here in the open will just .
Is the OP really 6'3"? If so, that's all I care about....I really like tall chicks.

Back to topic, you can't review customers because there is a reason why we have no Showcase - we're not advertising anything to sell.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Marketing 101 babe...if you post in Co-ed that you don't like old overweight bald guys your market just shrunk by at least one.
  • npita
  • 03-05-2010, 05:06 AM
Ladies I don't know about you but I've had things said about me that were pretty unfair. Not saying I wear my heart on my sleeve, but if the men can point out all of our flaws, shouldn't we be able to do the same? Originally Posted by Evelyn Bonita
You run a business. Like any other business, you will get judged by your customers, fairly or, in some cases, not. That's part of running a business. (Presumably, you are running a business.) What benefit (financial or otherwise) does your business gain by pointing out your client's flaws?

I mean bitching about a woman with a little weight or too big/small tits is a little hypocritical when its coming from someone that's losing their hair and a gut that swallows his belt.
Mention your preferences for clients' appearance in your p411 profile and/or ads. That will ensure fewer complaints from bald, overweight men, since they will most likely figure out that you would rather not see them.

Isn't there a ladies' only forum on this and most other similar boards? That's where you "review" us, point out all of our flaws and "shortcomings" to the other providers so that they know what to expect.

And while I understand that we are the customers, I also know that providers need to know who's worth seeing and who is not worth seeing, from a safety standpoint if nothing else.
It's best to post this is the womans section.
good feedback, oh and by the way this WAS NOT to bash anyone, lol the bald fat thing was just hypothetical.

To tell you the truth, I could care less what a person's appearance is. VERY good point about provider=product because it is very true. But if the service paid for "product" is at 100% like it should be, is it really neccesary to point out every little flaw?? I guess this just goes with the job huh??

Thanks for the responses, just had to get an opinion.
another fat bald guy you wont see

I do understand your concerns and harsh comments always sting. Unfortunately, the place for any feedback of hobbyists is in the ladies forums. This topic has been discussed a couple of time and comes to no good end.

You are always welcome to post a nice Thank you thread on a Hobbyist that went above and beyond and on a review that you feel is inaccurate. If there are untruths in a review, please let Moderator know and we will look into it.

Please remain a valued member of this board, have fun, peace and love, and try to not sweat the small stuff.
