travelling_man's Avatar
I'll keep this short - there is a March raffle. No one is claiming "ownership" of the raffle. A couple of us have volunteered to help organize and gather information with no benefit for anyone personally. I am making this post and gathering information about which providers are interested in participating. The first raffle was a strong success and the guys voted to do it again.

If you are a guy and want more information, go to the guy's private area and you'll find the information there. If you are a girl and you want to participate, this thread is for you. If you already turned in your offer to me previously you need to do nothing. Tell me if you do NOT want to participate, otherwise you'll be included. There is nothing to gain by removing yourself or not participating - what if one of your favorite clients wins? If you don't participate that client can't pick you. If someone wins that you don't want to see or can't pass your screening, then you are under no obligation to see them and you can say no.

I'll summarize quickly what I need to know. Give me your rate for an overnight session. If it's your normal advertised rate that's fine. It is your choice what you offer. If you want to spice it up and make it interesting some girls have offered to add a girlfriend for part or all of the night for little or no extra charge. Some have offered a night out on the town or a home cooked meal. Just keep in mind that the winner is going to be looking at offers from 30+ girls so if you want to stand out be creative and have some fun with it! That's what this is all about.

There is no need to chime in on this thread to say you want to participate. Just send me a PM. We are not going to publish the entire list of girls in this public forum because some expressed hesitation in participating.