NCNS ... Who are the villains?

dodger's Avatar
Hobbyists or Providers? (I know who my money is on ...)
rcinokc's Avatar
I'm thinking each do their share of screwing up.
dodger's Avatar
I'm thinking each do their share of screwing up. Originally Posted by rcinokc

No doubt .. and I've seen some threads from hobbyists, recently. But was also told by a provider in Austin that she doesn't like to tour DFW because of all the NCNS by hobby guys up here.

So .. is it a tie?
Tie- Yes, both sides have plenty of assholes to go around.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Charlie has never done the NCNS...........doesn't associate with those who have.
Tie- Yes, both sides have plenty of assholes to go around. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
That is true, but if I have to guess, the hobbyist pulling the NCNS is probably far more common.
Bestman200600's Avatar
A provider that tours gets hit with a lot of NCNS. People that you know should come thru for them. They have to pay rent and a sitters too.
This is silly. The villian is whoever does it. Guy or provider. It is plain wrong. I think this thread is just to win you points with providers.
As BigEddie said

The villain is whoever did it.
Hercules's Avatar
I'll paint a target on my nuts and say providers. However sometimes it's easier to look at it from their perspective to understand why.

Guys:---> "WOOHOO I'm going to get to see a hot chick nekkid and play bedroom golf with her." (That's why our horny asses show up early. )

Gals:----> "I've gotta strange hornball guy coming over who could be looney-tunes and I'm gonna be nekkid and play bedroom golf with him."

Still it's nice if they at least come up with a reasonably believable bullshit story for cancelling.
Doing a nsnc is inexcusable. You should call and let the person know, no matter what.
  • Sunny
  • 08-07-2010, 11:45 PM
LMAO!Thought thread was NQNS.NCNS happened maybe twice Ever. Shit Happens. I have no stood anyone up. If we have an appointment its because we WANT to play.
pyramider's Avatar
As BigEddie said

The villain is whoever did it. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302

Bingo. LL is correct, and so is BigEddie.
I think it's pretty equal. Sometimes it's just miscommunication. No drama needed, just sort it out and reschedule.
yaddayadda's Avatar
+1 Tara.