Hello from Caroline.

Hello everyone! I thought I would pop in and introduce myself at the suggestion of one of your lovely gentlemen lurkers.

My name is Caroline Davenport. I'm in my mid-twenties, though I feel both younger and older. I am an adventurous spirit, which possibly explains my presence in this lifestyle, and my constant need for new scenery. I enjoy meeting new people and trying new experiences. I don't drink much, as I very much enjoy life in a sober state of mind, but I will indulge in a glass of wine or two, or even a beer if I'm feeling blue collar. I love to gamble (Baccarat, more specifically Mini-Baccarat, is my favorite game), attend stage performances of most kinds, and absolutely LOVE a good meal at a fine restaurant. Behind closed doors, I'm passionate and playful, and prefer a more sensual atmosphere.

To tattle on myself a bit, I'm a spelling snob, though I promise I've become very good at quelling the urge to correct others, and I don't relate well to those who can't express themselves in a verbally graceful manner. You don't have to have perfect grammar, but please don't send me messages like "Hey bb, u avail 2nite?" I will assume you are younger than me, and I am not attracted to juveniles.

Please say hi and feel free to give me an idea of the tone of this board. I've been lurking for a while and posting ads, but I have yet to participate much. I hope to get to know some of you.


London Rayne's Avatar
As long as you say what you think the crowd wants to hear, you'll be just fine lol. Welcome!
Don't pay any attention to London. She has virtually no filter, and she's one of the most popular posters on the BBS because of it.

Glad you posted here, Caroline.

I have no idea what the tone of the board is, since I'm extremely new myself. I just know I don't have any other outlet where I can express myself like I can on here, so that's nice.

I also have no idea how participating in these forums works from a marketing perspective. I do know from experience that any active message board generates a ridiculous amount of its traffic from lurkers who never post anything, so even if you fail to get much of a response, you could still be effectively marketing to people who don't post.

I hope you get something out of it, and if not, I'm glad you made an introduction.
John Bull's Avatar
Welcome Caroline. Just remember, we don't advertise on D&T, we just have good conversation.
Welcome again
London Rayne's Avatar
Don't pay any attention to London. She has virtually no filter, and she's one of the most popular posters on the BBS because of it. Originally Posted by proudoftexas
What does "BBS" mean?
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh, I call it a SHMB.
Yes, it took me a bit to figure that one out the first time I saw it, lol.

This business has more acronyms than the federal government, the military, and the tech industry combined.
Hello Caroline!

Welcome to the Board and enjoy the stimulating conversation!
Hi Caroline, I'm pretty new too. I look forward to getting to know you and reading your contributions.
Hi, I love your introduction and showcase profile!
Thank you all for taking a few moments to offer me a warm welcome. I truly appreciate the gesture.

Not sure if you saw it or not, Caroline, but you were mentioned by Crash Davis as one of the best "kissing providers" on page 2 of this thread here.

It's a pretty sexy thread overall, really.

Welcome to the forum!
Hi caroline,

I cud use sum of ur fien tutoring to assist with them their grammatacall wules.

Sorry, I could not help myself. My SO is an english teacher. Welcome!