got an email from jessica the stripper

review thread where someone claimed a girl was jessica the stripper from west seneca is now closed so i thought id post here.

seen review always wanted jessica i mean she just did it for me. sent quick email in hopes of seeing her. i got this email from her and will post it in its entirety without changes

"That review was not of me and I am currently trying to have it removed. Is there any possible way u can help me have my reviews or at the very least my contact info removed from site period? This has caused me so many problems ans I keep asking mods to remove it but they refuse every time is there anyone u can tt for me tell them I am begging them to please remove anything associated w me or my email from site?""

what is fact or fiction is open to debate but her wishes seem very clear hence we should respect them as best i wecan. i will forward to mods. i think once review is up not much one can do but any furthuer posting of her contact info should not continue. we can hope that one day she gets back to it but for now i think she made her self clear
Unwanted publicity huh?
grownups here and we know if we do something lingering evidence may be around. that being said if an honest respectful request is made why not accomodate it. if this person or some other does not want to be contacted chased or written about whats wrong with that.
perhaps the day will come where she begs for free publicity reviews postings threADs etc but for now if she dont want it lets work on the ones that do.

any guy that got to enjoy her talents good for them savor the memories those that didnt hope she returns when she wants to and situations dictate she can.
rooster's Avatar
tiny has covered this very well.

I would like to elaborate on a few points here also.

There are limits to what any provider can expect. "No review" policies are almost never granted. But if a person is not a member of the site and they do not advertise in any publicly viewable place, then we can say that no reviews of that person are allowed on this site. And that seems to be the case here. We are often not able to enforce this very effectively, and it cannot be counted on. But we can try, lame as our attempts may be.

The other applicable issue here is posting of "private information." Again, if a person is not advertising with contact info like emails or cell phone numbers, then it is reasonable to assume that this stuff is "private" and cannot be posted here. That is the same discretion and courtesy that would be allowed to anyone.

I don't think that there should be a lot of discussion about this. Right now, it seems that this is a private individual with no connection to this site and that is not offering any related services on any publicly accessible site that anyone is aware of. If that is not true or if it changes, this can be reconsidered. But for now.... leave it alone. And "past history" and/or associations with this site and people on it do NOT mean that this person is still open for review or discussion.