stupid stuff that came in my mind.

LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Why some people say do you have a bathroom? or where's the bathroom? instead of saying do you have a restroom? or where's the restroom? A restroom is not a bathroom. How many here ever take a bath in a restroom? Why do some people say do you have a bathroom/restroom? No, I say, I just crap in a bucket in the back yard. Of course I have one.
Or when people say or ask you got haircut. I am tempted to say Oh, Shit! Is it bleeding? and Oh, damn it! Which one?
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
why is it called a restroom when your obviously not resting in there. Ive heard it called a water closet before lol I prefer privy but id get the "huh" everytime.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Water closet?
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Yup. I get how they get to that conclusion but still sounds dumb.
Yup. I get how they get to that conclusion but still sounds dumb. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
Where does the term water closet come from?

The term "water closet" ("WC") was an early term for an interior or exterior room with a flushing toilet in contrast with an earth closet usually outdoors and requiring periodic emptying as "night soil". Originally, the term "wash-down closet" was used. The term "water closet" was coined in England around 1870.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
I learn something today. Thank you. Next time I go to Starbucks, I will ask the baristas: "is your water closet working?" or "do you have a water closet?" Betcha they will think is a new kind of coffee drink. BWAHHHHAHHHHAHHAAAAA!
corona's Avatar
"Where's your shitter?"
mrredcat43's Avatar
Or the washroom
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
why do people say they slept with someone or ask someone if they want to sleep with them? Most of the time after it's done, one person leaves (the guy, HAHAHAHAHAHA!). we all know there ain't no sleeping going around.
next time a lady friend tells me she is not going to sleep with me, I will answer: Cool, I'm glad we are on the same page. I am good too with you just wanting to fuck.
koseylee's Avatar
WC or Water Closet is pretty much used in England and Europe.
You could also go w "Crapper". Term coined as John Crapper invented the flush toilet, so I've heard.
TexTushHog's Avatar
WC is still used occasionally in France though the initials were imported from English (quelle horreur!}. You may still ask “Oł est le ve ce?” though it’s somewhat old fashioned. You’re more likely to say now, “Oł sont les toilettes?” But never “Oł est le salve des bain?” which would be a room to shower or bathe.