just about

to enter our

Election Carneaval 3 months of voting

possibly 4 if these demons find they need a few more

ballots here and there..

looks like pennsyltucky already put out the "warning"

"ohhh no worries if we can"t have our election results ready

on election day"

oh really ? No shit sherlock

and dont be alarmed when we have to shut down the polls

at 10 am when President Trump is ahead again by 800k

and we have to excuse all the repubs poll watchers

aannnd black out all the windowa

but we assure you

nothing to se e here
get ready for some more

water pipes "bursting"

and don't mind the other poll closings

just before the demons reach under some tables

and pull out a buncha boxs full of ballotts from

some freash new "motor voters "

like 20 million or so
give or take
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-19-2024, 08:01 AM
Its funny how they eat their own
Its funny how they eat their own
. Originally Posted by R.M.
and they tried to

brain President Trump

what do you thinkthey

have planned for me and you and some of they
Its funny how they eat their own
. Originally Posted by R.M.
Isn’t it tho? Problem is, the fucking Dems are more concerned about identity politics rather than policies that actually work for our country, economy, etc.

Hence, if one of their own doesn’t fit into their current far left narrative, they get eaten.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Anti-Trump douchebags in the Republican party are probably worse.
elghund's Avatar
and they tried to

brain President Trump

what do you thinkthey

have planned for me and you and some of they Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Lol……the one who tried to off Trump was a Republican.

A Democrat wouldn’t have missed……

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-19-2024, 05:56 PM
and they tried to

brain President Trump

what do you thinkthey

have planned for me and you and some of they Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Worst case scenario. What I don't get is this non-binary group running around screaming free Palestine when all the Palestinians want to do is cut their throat and throw them off of a bridge or building.
Meanwhile Planned Parenthood is at the DNC neutering men and giving women abortions. That's actually a good idea for them.
My apologies if I drifted off topic too much.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Jon started a political thread....
Meanwhile Planned Parenthood is at the DNC neutering men and giving women abortions. That's actually a good idea for them. Originally Posted by R.M.
You forgot to mention, they’re offering both procedures for free in a traveling fucking medical mobil unit during the DNC. If that isn’t fucked up, I don’t know what is.

Unless of course it’s for Dems only and they’re requiring a voter registration ID to be allowed in to receive these free procedures lol. Maybe then we can end this Socialist Movement that will do nothing but destroy our freedoms, destroy our free economy that’s based on supply & demand, and end extreme government control over everything that we love so much.

Government price controls my fucking ass. Look at Venezuela. Look at Argentina. And look closely how their price controls have done nothing but to destroy those country’s economies who were at one time a couple of the richest countries in the world.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Price controls = out of business

Exactly UC. Among many other things that price controls cause.

F4D posted a very detailed explanation of what price controls do in a post recently. Some of you might want to take the time to read it again…thoroughly. It! Is! Factual!

Not to mention, many of you might want to take a serious look at who is the economist it’s cited from. It just might surprise you.
Lol……the one who tried to off Trump was a Republican.

A Democrat wouldn’t have missed……

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
thats what I said and warned RM about

idont give a flyin fuck about the shooter

the system allowed it

you can personally try on me

i would welcome it
Worst case scenario. What I don't get is this non-binary group running around screaming free Palestine when all the Palestinians want to do is cut their throat and throw them off of a bridge or building.
Meanwhile Planned Parenthood is at the DNC neutering men and giving women abortions. That's actually a good idea for them.
My apologies if I drifted off topic too much. Originally Posted by R.M.
its demonic simple as that and old as time