Darrell "The Thug" Issa has a problem with Eric Holder?

Darrell "The Thug" Issa has the audacity to question Eric Holder.

This is the height of hypocrisy!

Darrel Issa should be in JAIL as a Three Time Loser!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ed Shultz? Seriously? The biggest moron in media? Good god, Stevie, get a grip!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Turns out those charges, questionable at best, are over 40 years old. Oh, yeah, you also want to disqualify Romney for a teenage fight.

I hope you can live up to your own standards, but my bet is you're a hypocrite.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dimocrat Senator Teddy managed to be reelected several times after he got away with DUI, reckless driving and manslaughter. In the modern era, it's hard to top those for criminality in Congress.
Steven bob for apples NOT turds, Dummy...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
While we're on the topic, Stevie, what about Obama's criminal past? You know, the possession and distribution of (offense deleted)? Or does it not count if you're not caught and admit to it only after the statute of limitations has run?

Your hypocrisy is showing, again. Really, lay off the caffeine. You're sounding stupider than ever.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In the interest of the site Barney Frank's boyfriend ran a male/female escort service out the apartment the US taxpayer paid for.
Jerry Studds raped young congressional pages under the age of 16.
We know about John Edwards.
Charlie Rangle, head of the ways and means committee, forgot to pay the taxes on his rent controlled apartments in New York City. One he was renting from himself with taxpayer dollars.
Never forget about Anthony Weiner.
Historically we have Stephen Douglas of Chicago and George W. Plunkitt of New York City. Both became millionaires by ripping off the nation or as Plunkitt called it, "honest graft"..