How long does it take ...

chrissy's Avatar
Ok So I've had a few guys that were supposed to leave reviews after meeting . A couple known reviewers on TOB and a new member Pull from another site and even one from here...But ONLY one guy came through Great times had by all so naturally I'm wondering just a couple things guys...Chime in it helps!

How long does it take on avge getting around to doing it?
2-3 days? A week!?
Is is that long of a process?
Is it ACTUALLY a hassle to do?
Does a "Same day" review discount actually help?
(Never have offered)
And how can that even be honored on a first time visit?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its usually best to offer the review special on the second visit. That gives them the incentive to write the review. Some (many) guys are notorious for taking the special up front, but not following through on the review.
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
I have never offered a review special and honestly probably never will. There have been times where a gentleman has waited nearly a month since we met to write a review. Some gentleman say they will write one and they never do and some gentleman will write one as soon as they leave it just really depends hun.
  • aot
  • 07-01-2016, 04:56 PM
It depends. Often I will be quicker on a review, but sometimes I've gotten busy and it will take me nearly a month to get to it even if it was great!

Of course if I had a terrible time and feel the need to warn others off or someone doesn't have any/many reviews I'll really try to get to it right away.

One thing to note for some of the reviews at some places like here and the main competitor: there's a short membership you get for a few weeks for posting the reviews. So I'm sure there are a few times guys will know that they get a few weeks but will wait a few weeks to post since they won't use that until later, thereby getting a little bigger benefit from the review.

It does just depend. I try hard to post soon after, but life happens and sometimes someone might be satisfied enough that they don't really need to come back to the forums for a while.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
If I haven't submitted within a week, it won't happen, ever.

The only way you can offer a same day review discount, is for the client to write a review, as you watch, in your incall. I know girls who have done it. It takes about 10 minutes to write a simple review.

The guy needs to be a previous reviewer to get a "same day" reviewer discount, IMHO.

I hope these guys who said they would, don't break their word!
I have never offered a review special and honestly probably never will. There have been times where a gentleman has waited nearly a month since we met to write a review. Some gentleman say they will write one and they never do and some gentleman will write one as soon as they leave it just really depends hun. Originally Posted by Lariyah_Cash
I have waited over a year to see this hottie. Can't wait to meet her and hopefully write up an awesome review.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
One thing to note for some of the reviews at some places like here and the main competitor: there's a short membership you get for a few weeks for posting the reviews. So I'm sure there are a few times guys will know that they get a few weeks but will wait a few weeks to post since they won't use that until later, thereby getting a little bigger benefit from the review. Originally Posted by aot
Clarification on this point, there is no need to wait to write reviews because of PA timing. On Eccie at least, all approved reviews earn six weeks Premium Access regardless. That is always added on to the end of the existing expiration date. And then its extended out from there with all subsequent approved reviews. NO need to try to time your reviews for that reason here.
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
I will be looking forward to seeing that review!!

I have waited over a year to see this hottie. Can't wait to meet her and hopefully write up an awesome review. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 07-03-2016, 01:09 PM
If ECCIE would add the review posting to their mobile site I think more people would write faster. When I'm at home finally I usually get lazy and just want to relax instead of focusing on writing a review. I like to put a little bit of time in most of my reviews, so it all depends.

I have one review that I need to write that has been almost a week now. I'll probably end up doing it tonight or tomorrow, but generally it takes me anywhere from 1-7 days.
chrissy's Avatar
Thanks everybody😉 I guess If it doesn't happen it just doesn't happen, which kinds stinks for Ladies like myself that Return after a long absence, we kind of depend on the reviews for a brief moment to Update our accounts/reviews/and or let guys know were back with out having to spam ThreAD the boards

But I guess it's a good thing that immediate reviews haven't been posted about horrid service,or appearance change so I'm still good to go! LOL...Never looked at it that way. Thanks!!
Citori's Avatar
I'll bring the laptop and write a paragraph during our "Breaks".

I'd live tweet it, but I'm not sure that wouldn't be distracting.