Lev Parnas "bombshell" BOMBED...another victory for big T!!

The left on here said when ol' Levi tell his "story" it's going to be trouble for Trump. Yous boys ASSUP KEEP LOSING...you know about when yous think something going to be a bombshell and then BOMBS...TAKE the CrapNewsNetwork OFF YOU DAILY UPDATES!!

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Throws Cold Water On the Lev Parnas ‘Bombshell’

Posted at 7:30 pm on January 16, 2020 by Bonchie

President Donald Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy at the InterContinental Barclay New York hotel during the United Nations General Assembly, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019, in New York. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Earlier today, I did a writeup on Lev Parnas’ “bombshell” interview with Rachel Maddow. While Parnas did make a lot of serious accusations, there’s ample reason to not believe a word he says. He’s currently under indictment for unrelated finance crimes and is desperately trying to get the SDNY to cut him a deal. His claims also contradict many of the facts that the DOJ has laid out in their charges against him.
For example, while Parnas is trying to paint himself as a lackey of Rudy Giuliani, the opposite is true. Parnas actually sought out and paid for Giuliani’s “services” and was looking to get rid of former Ambassador Yovanovitch for his own reasons. It was Parnas who first brought up the issue, not anyone connected to Trump. The more you read his indictment and look at the timeline, the more obvious it is that Parnas is not a victim, but a mastermind who fed bad information to Giuliani in order to benefit himself.

Trending Lev Parnas Went On Maddow and Made All Kinds of Accusations About Trump, Here Are the Highlights


That doesn’t absolve the President of the mistake of letting Rudy freaking Giuliani run wild in Ukraine, but that still doesn’t mean the liberal narrative is true. The more we learn, the more Schiff’s portrayal of the situation looks like a massaged political hit and not an honest reading of what we know.
Now, we are getting reaction from Ukraine and it’s not exactly glowing endorsement of Parnas’ credibility.
This is the right answer until there’s evidence to the contrary. No one should be taking Parnas seriously giving the serious conflicts of interest he has.
Further, I see no reason for any Ukrainian official to lie to protect Trump. They know that no matter what happens at this point, that they will get their aid. There’s no scenario where the President could now stop aid to them because of the political ramifications at play and it’s obvious. Despite that, every current Ukrainian official that’s spoken publicly about this continues to maintain there was no deal made.
From the beginning, this has appeared to be much simpler than the media want to make it out as, mostly because it becomes a lot less damaging to Trump when you don’t set your hair on fire and assume the worst.
Did Trump want to see Burisma (and by virtue the Bidens’ sketchy involvement) investigated? I’m sure he did. He also noted several times that his concerns stemmed from corruption in 2016, which is a totally legitimate path to go down. The idea that it’s illegal or impeachable to request an ally look into such a matter is a standard only Trump has ever been held too. One can think he shouldn’t have done it without leaping off a cliff of hysteria in response, nor does the fact that Joe Biden is running for president give him a magic shield against corruption suspicions.
Things are going to get a lot dumber before this all over, so just be prepared. The rollout of the Lev Parnas interview was clearly timed to coincide with Pelosi’s move to advance the articles of impeachment. So was the GAO report on the OMB, and there will be even more “leaks” and “evidence” once the trial gets fully underway. You can count on it. It’s the Kavanaugh strategy all over again.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Parnas claims ex-Trump attorney visited him in jail, asked him to sacrifice himself for president


John Dowd, who once served as an attorney for Trump, briefly served as Parnas's attorney after he was indicted in October of last year for campaign finance violations.

In part two of his interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Thusrday, Parnas recounted firing Dowd. He said during a meeting where he expected to discuss making bail, Dowd instead allegedly told him: "Be a good boy", though Parnas admitted that he doesn't remember what Dowd told him verbatim.

Parnas claims ex-Trump attorney visited him in jail, asked him to sacrifice himself for president

https://thehill.com/homenews/adminis...l-asked-him-to Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Tell the WHOLE story about ol' shady LEVI...
Just a small part of the story...
For example, while Parnas is trying to paint himself as a lackey of Rudy Giuliani, the opposite is true. Parnas actually sought out and paid for Giuliani’s “services” and was looking to get rid of former Ambassador Yovanovitch for his own reasons. It was Parnas who first brought up the issue, not anyone connected to Trump. The more you read his indictment and look at the timeline, the more obvious it is that Parnas is not a victim, but a mastermind who fed bad information to Giuliani in order to benefit himself.

He has ZERO credibility...like you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Parnas claims ex-Trump attorney visited him in jail, asked him to sacrifice himself for president

John Dowd, who once served as an attorney for Trump, briefly served as Parnas's attorney after he was indicted in October of last year for campaign finance violations.

In part two of his interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Thusrday, Parnas recounted firing Dowd. He said during a meeting where he expected to discuss making bail, Dowd instead allegedly told him: "Be a good boy", though Parnas admitted that he doesn't remember what Dowd told him verbatim.

https://thehill.com/homenews/adminis...l-asked-him-to Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Munchmasterman's Avatar
That's right.
Unknown people get next to the president all the time, right? They know exactly who these people in the pictures are and why they rate getting a pic with trump. Contrary to trumpy belief, it's not the same as your annual picture sitting on Santa's lap. And the person who lies about everything (15000+ lies and counting) is telling the truth this time, right?
The stupid 35%. Dunning-Kruger effect devotees. You probably think your opinion matters. The senate repubs have already betrayed their oaths regardless of what the douche-bag brigade thinks just to suck trump's dick. Most of them talked about what a douche-bag he was before he got elected.
And like any trumpy, they abandoned all thoughts of the country first and their careers at the public tit second. Public tit, trump's dick, it doesn't matter as long as they have something to suck.

On top of that, we have a hypocritical douche-bag giving himself 5 stars. The same bitch who complains about others doing the same thing.

News flash for the dumb shits. The webmaster can tell if 2 user-names are coming from the same IP address. So the dual identities claims are as stupid as the claimers.
And yes, there are ways around it but none worth the effort just to post on this site.

The left on here said when ol' Levi tell his "story" it's going to be trouble for Trump. Yous boys ASSUP KEEP LOSING...you know about when yous think something going to be a bombshell and then BOMBS...TAKE the CrapNewsNetwork OFF YOU DAILY UPDATES!!

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Throws Cold Water On the Lev Parnas ‘Bombshell’

Posted at 7:30 pm on January 16, 2020 by Bonchie

President Donald Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy at the InterContinental Barclay New York hotel during the United Nations General Assembly, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019, in New York. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Earlier today, I did a writeup on Lev Parnas’ “bombshell” interview with Rachel Maddow. While Parnas did make a lot of serious accusations, there’s ample reason to not believe a word he says. He’s currently under indictment for unrelated finance crimes and is desperately trying to get the SDNY to cut him a deal. His claims also contradict many of the facts that the DOJ has laid out in their charges against him.
For example, while Parnas is trying to paint himself as a lackey of Rudy Giuliani, the opposite is true. Parnas actually sought out and paid for Giuliani’s “services” and was looking to get rid of former Ambassador Yovanovitch for his own reasons. It was Parnas who first brought up the issue, not anyone connected to Trump. The more you read his indictment and look at the timeline, the more obvious it is that Parnas is not a victim, but a mastermind who fed bad information to Giuliani in order to benefit himself.

Trending Lev Parnas Went On Maddow and Made All Kinds of Accusations About Trump, Here Are the Highlights


That doesn’t absolve the President of the mistake of letting Rudy freaking Giuliani run wild in Ukraine, but that still doesn’t mean the liberal narrative is true. The more we learn, the more Schiff’s portrayal of the situation looks like a massaged political hit and not an honest reading of what we know.
Now, we are getting reaction from Ukraine and it’s not exactly glowing endorsement of Parnas’ credibility.
This is the right answer until there’s evidence to the contrary. No one should be taking Parnas seriously giving the serious conflicts of interest he has.
Further, I see no reason for any Ukrainian official to lie to protect Trump. They know that no matter what happens at this point, that they will get their aid. There’s no scenario where the President could now stop aid to them because of the political ramifications at play and it’s obvious. Despite that, every current Ukrainian official that’s spoken publicly about this continues to maintain there was no deal made.
From the beginning, this has appeared to be much simpler than the media want to make it out as, mostly because it becomes a lot less damaging to Trump when you don’t set your hair on fire and assume the worst.
Did Trump want to see Burisma (and by virtue the Bidens’ sketchy involvement) investigated? I’m sure he did. He also noted several times that his concerns stemmed from corruption in 2016, which is a totally legitimate path to go down. The idea that it’s illegal or impeachable to request an ally look into such a matter is a standard only Trump has ever been held too. One can think he shouldn’t have done it without leaping off a cliff of hysteria in response, nor does the fact that Joe Biden is running for president give him a magic shield against corruption suspicions.
Things are going to get a lot dumber before this all over, so just be prepared. The rollout of the Lev Parnas interview was clearly timed to coincide with Pelosi’s move to advance the articles of impeachment. So was the GAO report on the OMB, and there will be even more “leaks” and “evidence” once the trial gets fully underway. You can count on it. It’s the Kavanaugh strategy all over again. Originally Posted by bb1961
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That's right.
Unknown people get next to the president all the time, right? They know exactly who these people in the pictures are and why they rate getting a pic with trump. Contrary to trumpy belief, it's not the same as your annual picture sitting on Santa's lap. And the person who lies about everything (15000+ lies and counting) is telling the truth this time, right?
The stupid 35%. Dunning-Kruger effect devotees. You probably think your opinion matters. The senate repubs have already betrayed their oaths regardless of what the douche-bag brigade thinks just to suck trump's dick. Most of them talked about what a douche-bag he was before he got elected.
And like any trumpy, they abandoned all thoughts of the country first and their careers at the public tit second. Public tit, trump's dick, it doesn't matter as long as they have something to suck.

On top of that, we have a hypocritical douche-bag giving himself 5 stars. The same bitch who complains about others doing the same thing.

News flash for the dumb shits. The webmaster can tell if 2 user-names are coming from the same IP address. So the dual identities claims are as stupid as the claimers.
And yes, there are ways around it but none worth the effort just to post on this site.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

News flash for the dumb shits. The webmaster can tell if 2 user-names are coming from the same IP address. So the dual identities claims are as stupid as the claimers.
And yes, there are ways around it but none worth the effort just to post on this site.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
LOL...You know about as much about the internet as politics it seems.

And Yes there are ways around it that for many include about two extra mouse clicks or simply the use of another device or processes they already have in place.

Many on this site protect themselves with such processes daily anyway.
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 07:17 AM
bb- Thank you for the informative post.

Fascist DPST's are setting up a political hit - just like Feinstein and Kavanaugh hearings.

DPST's using Parnas is just laughable.

They are so transparent!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Another insightful and well thought out post, bb... oebsy, you stink worse than a fat chicks pussy after a 10-km run for a charity she doesn’t give a shit about.

LOLLING at the One Star General of MAGGOT FORCE and self-anointed spokesperson for the right wings rag known as RedStar.

MMM got it rights, General. You are a douchebag.
  • Tiny
  • 01-17-2020, 11:40 AM
While Parnas did make a lot of serious accusations, there’s ample reason to not believe a word he says. He’s currently under indictment for unrelated finance crimes and is desperately trying to get the SDNY to cut him a deal. His claims also contradict many of the facts that the DOJ has laid out in their charges against him.
For example, while Parnas is trying to paint himself as a lackey of Rudy Giuliani, the opposite is true. Parnas actually sought out and paid for Giuliani’s “services” and was looking to get rid of former Ambassador Yovanovitch for his own reasons. It was Parnas who first brought up the issue, not anyone connected to Trump. The more you read his indictment and look at the timeline, the mor

That doesn’t absolve the President of the mistake of letting Rudy freaking Giuliani run wild in Ukraine, but that still doesn’t mean the liberal narrative is true. The more we learn, the more Schiff’s portrayal of the situation looks like a massaged political hit and not an honest reading of what we know.
Now, we are getting reaction from Ukraine and it’s not exactly glowing endorsement of Parnas’ credibility.
This is the right answer until there’s evidence to the contrary. No one should be taking Parnas seriously giving the serious conflicts of interest he has. Originally Posted by bb1961
No, Maddow's interview was a bombshell. I watched it, even though I had to sit through many segments where dyke face provided her running commentary. Apologies to lesbians. I like lesbians.

So what were Parnas' conflicts? One that Maddow didn't bring up, because it wasn't a Democratic Party talking point, is that Parnas and his associates may have believed that the American Ambassador to the Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, would prevent them from being able to both get brokerage commissions on sales of American LNG to the Ukrainian national gas company and stay out of jail.

The second, which he did discuss, was that he and two well-connected, Republican attorneys, Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing, had cooked up a plan to represent a Ukrainian oligarch, Dmitry Firtash, who is trying to avoid extradition to the USA from Austria. Firtash would pay Parnas $200,000, and a $1,000,000 retainer and $100,000 per month would go to diGenova and Toensing. They would use their U.S. government connections to get Firtash off, so that he wouldn't be extradited from Austria. In return, in addition to the fees, Firtash would provide dirt helpful to Trump. Initially the plan was to try to get Firtash to provide evidence that Andrew Weissmann, a member of the Mueller team, told him if he made up incriminating information on Trump, then charges against him would be dropped. That evolved into trying to get Firtash to get officials in the Ukraine to provide dirt on Biden.

However, Parnas was pretty believable. Some of the bombshells,

1. John Dowd, Trump's attorney, was initially Parnas' attorney. Parnas fired him because he believed Dowd intended to make him a scapegoat for Giuliani and Trump. He said Dowd was tied in with attorney General Barr, who was well aware of Giuliani's activities in the Ukraine. He believes the Justice Department, controlled by Barr, wants to make him a sacrificial lamb. He says that's the reason he's talking to the press now, before his trial, to get the truth out into the open.

2. He said people call Trump a gangster, and that's a lie. He's more like the leader of a cult. When Parnas was in the cult he tended to believe Joe Biden was guilty of something. And in any event the overriding concern was a Trump Victory in 2020, everything else was secondary. Now that he's looking at this from a more dispassionate perspective, he doesn't believe Joe Biden did anything.

3. Giuliani directed Parnas to tell a top aide to the Ukrainian Prime Minister that the U.S. would cut off ALL aid to the Ukraine, not just military aid, if there were no investigation into the Bidens. And Mike Pence would not attend the Prime Minister's inauguration. The fact that Pence didn't show up to the inauguration added to Parnas' credibility with the Ukrainians and showed the three stooges (Giuliani/Parnas/Fruman) meant business.

4. He had some fascinating things to say about the removal of Yovanovitch from the ambassadorship. Giuliani's Joe Biden Conspiracy Theory revolved around allegations from two ex Ukrainian Prosecutor Generals. One was Yuriy Lutsenko. Parnas produced a text message from Lutsenko, who said Yovanovitch had to be fired or he would withdraw his allegations against Biden. I now suspect this could be the primary reason Giuliani wanted her out, not in order to enable Parnas and his partner Fruman to bribe their way into lucrative contracts with the Ukrainian national gas company. Victor Shokin is the other ex-Prosecutor General. He was removed from office in part because Joe Biden demanded it. Shokin was willing to come to the USA to testify against Biden, but he couldn't get a visa. While he didn't say it, perhaps Giuliani and others thought Yovanovitch was the reason the visa was being held up. Parnas said Trump fired Yovanovitch at least four times. Apparently Pompeo, to his credit, didn't initially let that happen. And Yovanovitch actually was just transferred. She still works for the State Department.

5. Parnas said everyone, Trump, Bolton, Pompeo, Barr, and Pence, knew exactly what Giuliani was up to. He didn't however say anything that would lead you to believe he was privy to conversations with any of these people. So this really could come down to a "he says, she says" situation, or maybe not get to that point if Trump's inner circle keeps quiet.
I B Hankering's Avatar

So much for always "knowing" who the fuck is in the room.

HoeHummer's Avatar
More bullshits from Hanksy. No link, just a fakes graphic. From the Facebooks no less.

LOLLING the basement boys!
I B Hankering's Avatar
More bullshits from Hanksy. No link, just a fakes graphic. From the Facebooks no less.

LOLLING the basement boys!
Originally Posted by HoeHummer

The only thing "fake" here is your Canadian bullshit -- Odumbo had his 2009 state dinner crashed by uninvited unknowns -- and they had their picture taken.
  • oeb11
  • 01-17-2020, 03:19 PM
Ignorance is the Fascist DPST calling card.
That's right.
Unknown people get next to the president all the time, right? They know exactly who these people in the pictures are and why they rate getting a pic with trump. Contrary to trumpy belief, it's not the same as your annual picture sitting on Santa's lap. And the person who lies about everything (15000+ lies and counting) is telling the truth this time, right?
The stupid 35%. Dunning-Kruger effect devotees. You probably think your opinion matters. The senate repubs have already betrayed their oaths regardless of what the douche-bag brigade thinks just to suck trump's dick. Most of them talked about what a douche-bag he was before he got elected.
And like any trumpy, they abandoned all thoughts of the country first and their careers at the public tit second. Public tit, trump's dick, it doesn't matter as long as they have something to suck.

On top of that, we have a hypocritical douche-bag giving himself 5 stars. The same bitch who complains about others doing the same thing.


News flash for the dumb shits. The webmaster can tell if 2 user-names are coming from the same IP address. So the dual identities claims are as stupid as the claimers.
And yes, there are ways around it but none worth the effort just to post on this site.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Question MUNCHY...when was spending transferred from the LEGISLATIVE

branch to the EXECUTIVE branch.
You don't even know theTHREE branches of Gumment


Remember, you are uneducated and morally bankrupt.
That's why trump's spending doesn't bother you.

Down goes MUNCHY...down goes MUNCHY

Did you say something about DUMBSHITS